Outcomes of luxation injuries to primary teeth-a systematic review.
PMID: 32489826 PMCID: PMC7254462. DOI: 10.1016/j.jobcr.2019.12.001.
Objective: Luxation injuries are one of the most prevalent type traumatic dental injuries in primary dentition. The impact of these injuries may not only be limited to the primary teeth but may also have adverse effects on the developing succedaneous tooth bud resulting in various unfavorable consequences. This systematic review aims at compiling the evidence of available literature regarding luxation injuries to primary teeth, etiology, treatment modalities, outcomes and sequelae on permanent teeth.
2007年1月1日から2017年12月31日までに発表された文献を対象に、PubMed、Google Scholar、Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews、SCOPUS、LILACSバーチャルヘルスライブラリーの検索を行った。著者2名が個別に文献をレビューし、含まれる研究からデータを抽出した。
Methodology: Search of PubMed, Google Scholar, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, SCOPUS and LILACS virtual health library was conducted for the literature published from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2017. Two authors separately reviewed the literature and extracted the data from the included studies.
Results: After screening 224 articles, 13 articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Most common etiological factor for injury (up to 44.8%) is fall while walking or running. The unfavorable outcomes which are mostly associated with luxation injuries are pulp canal obliteration ranging from 8.6% to 43.3% and pulp necrosis 8.6% -78.9%. Sequelae on succedaneous teeth vary with a high incidence of white or yellow brown discoloration of enamel (78%) and enamel hypoplasia (7.8%-28.3%).
転倒は最も一般的な原因であり、ほとんどの脱臼歯には定期的なモニ タリングが推奨されています。歯髄管閉鎖、歯髄壊死、外傷による歯の喪失は、永久歯脱臼後によく見られる合併症です。エナメル質の白または黄褐色の変色とエナメル質低形成は永久歯の最も一般的な望ましくない後遺症です。
Conclusion: Fall is the most common cause and regular monitoring is recommended for most of the luxated teeth. Pulp canal obliteration, pulp necrosis and tooth loss due to trauma are prevalent complications observed following luxation. White or yellow brown discoloration of enamel and enamel hypoplasia are the most common undesirable sequelae to permanent teeth.
© 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Craniofacial Research Foundation.