COVID-19パンデミック時の医療従事者の欠勤と高齢者の入院を減らすためのBacillus Calmette-Guérinワクチン接種の2つの無作為化比較試験。2つの無作為化対照試験の研究プロトコルの構造化された要約。
Two Randomized Controlled Trials of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin Vaccination to reduce absenteeism among health care workers and hospital admission by elderly persons during the COVID-19 pandemic: A structured summary of the study protocols for two randomised controlled trials.
PMID: 32503602 PMCID: PMC7273375. DOI: 10.1186/s13063-020-04389-w.
OBJECTIVES: The objectives of these two separate trials are: (1) to reduce health care workers (HCWs) absenteeism; and (2) to reduce hospital admission among the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic through BCG vaccination.
2つの別々の多施設プラセボ対照並行群無作為化試験 PARTICIPANTS.1)COVID-19感染症患者のケアを行う病院または救急車サービスに勤務する医療従事者、および(2)60歳以上の高齢者。HCW試験は9つの病院で実施されている。高齢者試験は、オランダのナイメーヘン、ユトレヒト、ヴェーゲルのコミュニティ内の場所で実施されており、高齢者団体を利用して募集を促進している。
TRIAL DESIGN: Two separate multi-centre placebo-controlled parallel group randomized trials PARTICIPANTS: (1) Health care personnel working in the hospital or ambulance service where they will take care of patients with the COVID-19 infection and (2) elderly ≥60 years. The HCW trial is being undertaken in 9 hospitals. The elderly trial is being undertaken in locations in the community in Nijmegen, Utrecht, and Veghel, in the Netherlands, using senior citizen organisations to facilitate recruitment.
両試験ともに介入群は、認可されたBCGワクチン(デンマーク株1331、SSI、デンマーク、0.075mgの減衰型M. bovisに相当)を0.1ml接種する群に無作為に割り付けられる。プラセボ群は、同量の0.1ml 0.9%NaClで構成されており、色や外観は懸濁BCGワクチンと同じである。
INTERVENTION AND COMPARATOR: For both trials the intervention group will be randomized to vaccination with 0.1 ml of the licensed BCG vaccine (Danish strain 1331, SSI, Denmark, equivalent to 0.075 mg attenuated M. bovis). The placebo group consists of 0.1 ml 0.9% NaCl, which is the same amount, and has the same colour and appearance as the suspended BCG vaccine.
MAIN OUTCOMES: (1) Number of days of unplanned work absenteeism in HCWs for any reason which can be continuously measured on a bi-weekly basis, and (2) the cumulative incidence of hospital admission due to documented COVID-19.
RANDOMISATION: Participants will be randomized to BCG vaccine or placebo (1;1) centrally using a computer- based system, stratified by study centre.
被験者、治験責任医師、医師、アウトカム評価者は介入の盲検化を受けている。試験薬を準備する薬剤師助手と試験薬を投与する研究者のみが盲検化されていない。無作為化される数(サンプルサイズ)。(1) 第 1 回試験のサンプルサイズは、BCG ワクチン(n=750)とプラセボ(n=750)のいずれかに 1:1 で無作為化された N=1500 人の HCW であり、(2) 第 2 回試験のサンプルサイズは、BCG ワクチン(n=800)とプラセボ群(n=800)に無作為化された N=1600 人の高齢者である。
BLINDING (MASKING): Subjects, investigators, physicians and outcome assessors are blinded for the intervention. Only the pharmacist assistant that prepares- and research personnel that administers- study medicines are unblinded. NUMBERS TO BE RANDOMISED (SAMPLE SIZE): (1) The sample size for the first trial is N=1500 HCWs randomised 1:1 to either BCG vaccine (n=750) and placebo (n=750) and (2) The sample size for the second trial is N=1600 elderly persons randomised to BCG vaccine (n=800) and the placebo group (n=800).
TRIAL STATUS: HCW: version 4.0, 24-04-2020. Recruitment began 25-03-2020 and was completed on the 23-04-2020. Elderly: version 3.0, 04-04-2020. Recruitment began 16-04- 2020 and is ongoing.
HCWs試験はclinicaltrials.gov(識別子:NCT04328441)で31-03-2020年に登録され、オランダのトライアルレジストリ(trialregister.nl、識別子:Trial NL8477)で20-03-2020年に登録された。高齢者の臨床試験は、22-04-2020年にオランダの臨床試験登録簿(番号NL8547)に登録された。
TRIAL REGISTRATION: The HCWs trial was registered 31-03-2020 at clinicaltrials.gov (identifier: NCT04328441) and registered 20-03-2020 at the Dutch Trial Registry (trialregister.nl, identifier Trial NL8477). The elderly trial was registered 22-04-2020 at the Dutch trial registry with number NL8547.
FULL PROTOCOL: The full protocols will be attached as additional files, accessible from the Trials website (Additional file 1). In the interest in expediting dissemination of this material, the familiar formatting has been eliminated; this Letter serves as a summary of the key elements of the full protocol.