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J Prosthet Dent.2020 Oct;124(4):485.e1-485.e10.


Effects of 3 different residual root treatments after post-and-core restoration: An in vitro fracture resistance experiment and finite element analysis.

PMID: 32522363




STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Crown-lengthening procedures (CLPs) and orthodontic eruption procedures (OEPs) improve the biomechanical properties of residual root restoration. However, their use is limited by clinic time, cost, and crown-root ratio. An inner shoulder retention form (ISRF) overcomes these limits; however, whether ISRF meets the biomechanical requirements is unclear.



PURPOSE: The purpose of this in vitro and finite element analysis (FEA) study was to evaluate the effects of 3 residual root treatments (ISRF, CLP, and OEP) on premolar fracture resistance and stress distribution after post-and-core restoration.


32本の下顎第二小臼歯を抜歯し、無作為に4群(n=8)に分けた:2mmのフェルール修復群(NPR2;対照群)と3つの実験群(0.5×0.5mmのISRF[ISRF0.5]、2mmのCLP[CLP2]、2mmのOEP[OEP2])。歯冠除去,歯内治療,埋伏修復後,万能試験機(クロスヘッドスピード0.1mm/分)で歯の長軸に対して30°の荷重を破折まで負荷した.破折抵抗と破折パターンを解析した.FEAでは,1 mmフェルール修復群(NPR1),1.0×1.0 mm ISRF群(ISRF1),1 mm CLP群(CLP1),1 mm OEP群(OEP1)の4群を追加した.最大主応力ピーク(σmax)、最大変位、応力分布を評価した。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-two extracted mandibular second premolars were screened and randomly divided into 4 groups (n=8): a 2-mm ferrule restoration group (NPR2; control group) and 3 experimental groups (0.5×0.5-mm ISRF [ISRF0.5], 2-mm CLP [CLP2], and 2-mm OEP [OEP2]). After removal of the crown, endodontic treatment, and embedding and restoration, the specimens were loaded on a universal tester (crosshead speed of 0.1 mm per minute) at 30 degrees to the long axis of the tooth until fracture. Fracture resistance and pattern were analyzed. Four groups were added in FEA: 1-mm ferrule restoration group (NPR1), 1.0×1.0-mm ISRF (ISRF1), 1-mm CLP (CLP1), and 1-mm OEP (OEP1). The maximum principal stress peak (σmax), maximum displacement, and stress distribution were evaluated.


平均破壊荷重±標準偏差は、796.23±155.61N(NPR2)、650.32±150.43N(ISRF0.5)、385.38±149.92N(CLP2)、542.93±79.34N(OEP2)であり、これらの差は統計的に有意であった(F=12.724; P<.001)。主な破折パターンは,フェルール修復群では舌側歯冠縁からの脱離と斜め歯根破折,フェルールのないISRF群ではポストアンドコアの脱離と近心中央面からの斜め破折であった.FEAでは、NPR2、ISRF0.5、CLP2、およびOEP2の結果がinvitro実験と一致し、応力分布と変位情報が得られた。

RESULTS: Mean fracture load ±standard deviation was 796.23 ±155.61 N (NPR2), 650.32 ±150.43 N (ISRF0.5), 385.38 ±149.92 N (CLP2), and 542.93 ±79.34 N (OEP2); these differences were statistically significant (F=12.724; P<.001). The main fracture patterns were decementation from the lingual crown margin and oblique root fracture in ferrule restoration groups and post-and-core decementation and oblique fracture starting from the middle proximal surface in the ISRF groups without ferrules. In FEA, the results of NPR2, ISRF0.5, CLP2, and OEP2 were consistent with the in vitro experiments and provided stress distribution and displacement information.



CONCLUSIONS: Teeth with crown dentin ferrules showed higher fracture resistance and lower stress concentration. For residual roots, ISRF and OEP showed no differences, but CLP had lower fracture resistance and higher stress concentration.