Aesthetic perception in children with molar incisor hypomineralization.
PMID: 32524329 DOI: 10.1007/s40368-020-00541-x.
PURPOSE: To investigate the relationship between aesthetic perception and molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) in schoolchildren aged 8-12 years.
研究は、小学校に在籍する 467 名の児童を対象とした。認可を受けた後、生徒はDMFTとdmft指数(WHO基準)、MIH(EAPD基準)の検査を受けた。審美的知覚は、Child Perceptions Questionnaire About Tooth Appearance(CQATA)と呼ばれる物理的、心理的、社会的領域、歯の快適性、歯並び、歯の変色、歯の健康に関する知覚、および報告された快適な色を含むいくつかの項目に分けられた質問紙によって検証された。データ分析は、記述統計、カイ二乗検定、マン・ホイットニー検定、クルスカル・ワリス検定、有意水準0.05の線形回帰を用いて実施した。
METHODS: The study included 467 pupils enrolled in elementary schools. Once authorization was received, the students were examined for DMFT and dmft indexes (WHO criteria), and for MIH (EAPD criteria). The aesthetic perceptions were verified by the Child Perceptions Questionnaire About Tooth Appearance (CQATA), a questionnaire divided into several items, including physical, psychological and social domains; perception about tooth pleasantness, tooth alignment, tooth discoloration and tooth health; and reported pleasant colour. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics, the Chi-square, the Mann-Whitney and the Kruskal-Wallis tests, and linear regression at a significance level of 0.05.
RESULTS: The tooth health perception was worse when the child had MIH, and the tooth alignment and tooth discoloration perceptions, when MIH affected the incisors. The number of teeth affected by MIH was associated with higher averages in the tooth discoloration perception.
CONCLUSIONS: Children with MIH showed more negative perceptions toward tooth health, tooth alignment and tooth discoloration. However, none of the clinically investigated variables negatively impacted the reported pleasant colour question.