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J Dermatolog Treat.2020 Jun;:1-7. doi: 10.1080/09546634.2020.1782821.Epub 2020-06-26.

再石灰化性足底イボの治療のためのintralesional cryotherapy対cryotherapyスプレー:プロスペクティブ、無作為化研究

Intralesional cryotherapy versus cryotherapy spray for the treatment of recalcitrant plantar warts: a prospective, randomized study.

  • Waleed Albalat
  • Enayat Attwa
  • Howyda Mohamed Ebrahim
PMID: 32543980 DOI: 10.1080/09546634.2020.1782821.


再石灰化性足底イボは治療上の課題である。Intralesional cryotherapy(ILC)は、再発性足底イボ治療における有望な治療オプションとして浮上している。再石灰化性足底疣贅の治療のために(ILC)と凍結療法スプレー(Cryo-sp)の臨床的有効性、安全性、忍容性を比較する。再石灰化性足底疣贅患者130名を2群に均等に割り付けた。A群はILCを受け、B群はCryo-SPで治療した。両群とも完全に治癒するまで2週間間隔で1回のセッションを受けるか、最大5回のセッションを受けた。主な転帰は、ダーモスコピーによるイボの完全な消失であった。フォローアップは治療後6ヶ月間行われた。完全治癒率はA群80.3%に対し、B群50.8%であり、両群間に高い有意差があった(<.001)。クリアランス率はA群(1.5±0.40)がB群(4±1.3)よりも速かった(<.001)。副作用はB群よりもA群の方が軽度であった(<.001)。再発率はA群2%、B群23.3%(<.007)、患者満足度はILC群の方が高かった(<.001)。Intralesional cryotherapyの方が効果的で、再発率が低く、少ないセッション数で済みます。

Recalcitrant plantar warts are representing a therapeutic challenge. Intralesional cryotherapy (ILC) has emerged as a promising therapeutic option in recalcitrant plantar warts treatment.: To compare the clinical efficacy, safety and tolerability of (ILC) versus Cryotherapy spray (Cryo-sp) for treatment of recalcitrant plantar warts. One hundred-thirty patients with recalcitrant plantar warts were assigned equally to two groups. Group A received ILC and group B treated with Cryo-SP. Both groups received one session at 2 weeks intervals until complete clearance or for a maximum of 5 sessions. The main outcome was complete clearance of warts guided by dermoscopy. Follow-up was carried out for 6 months after the treatment. Complete clearance occurred in 80.3% in group A compared to 50.8% in group B with a highly significant difference between both groups ( < .001). The clearance rate was faster in group A (1.5 ± 0.40) than group B (4 ± 1.3) ( < .001). The adverse effects were mild in group A than group B ( < .001). The recurrence rate was 2% in group A versus 23.3% in group B ( < .007).patients satisfaction was higher in ILC ( < .001). Intralesional cryotherapy is more effective, requiring few sessions with a low recurrence rate than cryo-sp.