Dental Caries and Associated Factors Among Patients Attending the University of Gondar Comprehensive Hospital Dental Clinic, North West Ethiopia: A Hospital-Based Cross-Sectional Study.
PMID: 32547246 PMCID: PMC7250298. DOI: 10.2147/CCIDE.S247179.
Purpose: Dental caries are an emerging public health problem in developing countries in the last two decades. However, there is a paucity of data on dental caries in northwest Ethiopia. This study investigated the prevalence of dental caries and associated factors in northwest Ethiopia.
ゴンダル大学総合病院歯科医院を受診した患者368名を対象に、病院ベースの横断的研究を実施した。サンプルの選択には系統的無作為抽出法を用いた。データの収集は、3 名の有資格歯科外科医が WHO の口腔保健調査から改変した事前に作成した質問票を用いて行い、臨床検査は WHO のう蝕診断ガイドラインを用いて行った。データ解析は SPSS 20 を用いて行った。記述的データを表に示し、ロジスティック回帰分析を行い、95%信頼区間のオッズ比を用いて素因となりうる因子を同定した。
Patients and Methods: A hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted in 368 patients who visited the University of Gondar Comprehensive Hospital Dental Clinic. A systematic random sampling technique was used to select the samples. Data were collected by three qualified dental surgeons using a pre-designed questionnaire modified from a WHO oral health survey and the clinical examination was done using the WHO dental caries diagnosis guideline. Data analysis was done using SPSS 20. Descriptive data were presented in tables and logistic regression analysis was done to identify the possible predisposing factors using odds ratios with 95% confidence interval.
本研究におけるう蝕の有病率は23.64%(95%CI:19.30, 28.00)であり、女性(30.56%)と男性(17.02%)の間に有意な差があった。女性であること(AOR=2.15(95% CI: 1.31, 3.52)、口腔衛生習慣が悪いこと(AOR=2.44(95% CI: 1.46, 4.07)、糖尿病であること(AOR=8.15(95% CI: 3.2, 20.75)、低学歴であること(AOR=1.81(95% CI: 1.81))、教育レベルが低いこと(AOR=1.81(95% CI: 1.81))、口腔衛生習慣が悪いこと(AOR=2.44(95% CI: 1.46, 4.07)、糖尿病であること(AOR=8.15(95% CI: 3.2, 20.75))。81(95%CI:1.05、3.1)、低月収(AOR=3.05(95%CI:1.54、6.02)、口臭(AOR=10.98(95%CI:5.68、2.24))がう蝕と有意に関連していた。DMFTの平均スコアは1.095±0.24(SD)であった。DMFTの大部分(70.59%)は虫歯によるものであったが、詰め物をした歯はDMFTの2.17%にすぎなかった。DMFTは女性(0.625)、都市部在住者(0.85)、月収2500birr以下の人(0.86)で高かった。平均DMFTは0.13であった。
Results: The prevalence of dental caries in this study was 23.64% (95% CI: 19.30, 28.00) with a significant difference between females (30.56%) and males (17.02%). Being female (AOR=2.15 (95% CI: 1.31, 3.52), poor oral hygiene practice (AOR=2.44 (95% CI: 1.46, 4.07), being diabetic (AOR=8.15 (95% CI: 3.2, 20.75), low educational level (AOR=1.81 (95% CI: 1.05, 3.1), low monthly income (AOR=3.05 (95% CI: 1.54, 6.02) and halitosis (AOR=10.98 (95% CI: 5.68, 2.24) were significantly associated with dental caries. The mean DMFT score was 1.095±0.24 (SD). The majority of the DMFT (70.59%) was due to decay, while filled tooth accounted for only 2.17% of the DMFT. The DMFT score was higher in females (0.625), urban residents (0.85), and those with montly income of ≤2500 Ethiopian birr (0.86). The mean DMFT was 0.13.
Conclusion: The prevalence of dental caries in the study participants was 23.64% andwas higher in males than females and in diabetic patients. Female gender, poor tooth brushing habits, diabetes mellitus, and halitosis were significant predictors associated with dental caries.
© 2020 Teshome et al.