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Infect. Agents Cancer.2020;15:40. 306. doi: 10.1186/s13027-020-00306-7.Epub 2020-06-15.


Transoral robotic surgery in head and neck district: a retrospective study on 67 patients treated in a single center.

  • Fraco Ionna
  • Agostino Guida
  • Luigi Califano
  • Gaetano Motta
  • Giovanni Salzano
  • Ettore Pavone
  • Corrado Aversa
  • Francesco Longo
  • Salvatore Villano
  • Ludovica Marcella Ponzo
  • Pierluigi Franco
  • Simona Losito
  • Franco Maria Buonaguro
  • Maria Lina Tornesello
  • Maria Grazia Maglione
PMID: 32549909 PMCID: PMC7296635. DOI: 10.1186/s13027-020-00306-7.




Background: The anatomical complexity of the oropharynx and the difficulty in reaching its distal portion have always conditioned the surgical accessibility.Robotic surgery represents an excellent alternative in the treatment of cervico-facial oncological diseases.


このシリーズはTrans Oral Robotic Surgery TORSで頭頸部癌の治療を受けた全患者で構成されています。すべてのカルテには、氏名・苗字、年齢、性別、手術日、術中または術後の出血、腫瘍部位、組織学、TNM病期、ロボットセットアップ時間、腫瘍切除時間、気管切開の有無、頸部郭清の有無、経鼻胃管または胃瘻の挿入、経口栄養再開までの時間、手術断端、平均在院日数、アジュバント治療、フォローアップのデータを記録した。

Methods: This series comprises all patients managed for head and neck cancer by Trans Oral Robotic Surgery TORS.The staging assessment, including neck ultrasound and total body PET/CT scan, was performed in each patient according to the TNM classification.All charts were recorded with the following data: name and surname, age, gender, date of surgery intra or post-operative hemorragia, tumor site, histology, TNM stage, robot set-up time, tumor resection time, whether or not tracheotomy was performed, whether or not neck dissection was performed, insertion of a nasogastric tube or gastrostomy, time to resumption of oral feeding, surgical margins, mean length of hospital stay, adjuvant treatment and follow-up.



Results: From February 2013 to February 2018, TORS was performed in 67 consecutive patients affected by head and neck tumours.We divided, our sample, in 3 subsites: supraglottic larynx, parapharyngeal space and oropharynx.Pathology reports confimed malignancy in 44 cases: 8 cases lymphomas, 36 cases of Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 5 cases of benign salivary glands tumors and 18 miscellaneous cases. Neck dissection was performed in 12 cases.Tracheotomy was perfomed in 3/67 cases for respiratory failures. A nasogastric tube was inserted at the end of the surgical procedure in 21 patients. The mean length of hospital stay was 10 days .Major complications included post-operative bleeding in 3 patients, 1 exitus for massive bleeding 20 days post-surgery and 1 respiratory failure treated with tracheotomy and monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for 3 days.



Conclusions: Robotic surgery has been considered a valid alternative to traditional open treatment in many specializations with the advantages of an endoscopic procedure, with the same oncological and functional results and with fewer complications. The advantages of this type of surgical technique have been discussed, it is mandatory to focus on the indications and contraindications.

© The Author(s) 2020.