Temporomandibular disorders, neck disability, and oral parafunctions in tinnitus patients: A cross-sectional epidemiological study from Southern Italy.
PMID: 32559128 DOI: 10.1080/08869634.2020.1781499.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in a sample of tinnitus patients and to determine the association between tinnitus, TMD, neck disability, and oral parafunctions.
耳鳴り患者79人が登録され、顎関節症の標準化された臨床検査を受けた。耳鳴りの重症度はTinnitus Handicap Inventory(THI)で測定した。口腔内パラファンクションはOral Behavior Checklist(OBC)を用いて自己申告した。頸部障害はNeck Disability Index(NDI)で記録した。
METHODS: Seventy-nine tinnitus patients were enrolled and underwent standardized clinical examination for TMD. The tinnitus severity was measured with the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI). The oral parafunctions were self-reported with the Oral Behavior Checklist (OBC). The neck disability was recorded with the Neck Disability Index (NDI).
サンプルの半数以上が顎関節症を呈し、最も頻繁に診断されたのは顎関節痛であった。顎関節症を呈している人では、顎関節症を呈していない人に比べて高いTHIが観察された(β18.4;95%CI 6.7, 30.1;p = 0.002)。OBCはTHIと有意な低~中程度の正の相関を示した(rh=0.368、p=0.001)が、NDIはそうではなかった。
RESULTS: More than half of the sample presented TMD, and the most frequent diagnosis was TMD pain. Higher THI was observed in TMD-pain individuals, compared to TMD-free (β 18.4; 95%CI 6.7, 30.1; p = 0.002). The OBC showed a significant low-to-moderate positive correlation with the THI (rho= 0.368, p = 0.001), while the NDI did not.
DISCUSSION: Standardized assessment of TMD and oral behaviors should be integrated into the routine diagnostic evaluations of tinnitus patients.