[Successful Total Resection with Preceding Arterial Coil Embolization of Intradural Extramedullary Tumor at Craniovertebral Junction Encasing Dominant-side Vertebral Artery].
PMID: 32572002 DOI: 10.11477/mf.1436204220.
OBJECTIVE: The surgical resection of craniovertebral junction(CVJ)meningioma is challenging because of the neighboring brainstem, lower cranial nerves, and vertebral artery(VA). Moreover, encasement of the VA by the tumor can raise the risk of complications and require cautious manipulation during surgery.
46歳の女性が1年間の頸部痛の既往歴を呈した。頸部痛は1年来の既往歴があり,側頭片麻痺と左側のしびれがあった.MRIではCVJ髄膜腫が右椎体側から脳幹に押し出され,右VAを包囲していた.デジタルサブトラクションアンギオグラフィ(DSA)では右VAから発生した2本の栄養動脈とサンバースト徴候が認められた.右VAは支配側であったが,右後下小脳動脈(PICA)は存在しなかった.左VAでは前脊髄動脈(ASA)が優性であった。バルーンテストオクルージョン(BTO)を20分間行ったが合併症は認められず,血管内コイルを用いた閉塞術を行った.4日後にC1-ラミネクトミーと遠位からのアプローチで仰臥位で髄膜腫を摘出した。側方に位置する髄膜腫は脳幹を押していた。腫瘍を硬膜から剥離した後、内包されたVAを切除し、無事に腫瘍を切除した(Simpson grade II)。術後は左側に側頭熱性低血圧を発症した。磁気共鳴画像では髄質に微小梗塞が認められた。
CASE: A 46-year-old woman presented with a one-year history of neck pain. She had temporal hemiplegia and numbness on her left side. Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)showed a CVJ meningioma pushing the brainstem from the right vertebral side and encasing the right VA. Digital subtraction angiography(DSA)showed two feeding arteries arising from the right VA and a sunburst sign. The right VA was the dominant side but did not have the right posterior inferior cerebellar artery(PICA). The anterior spinal artery(ASA)was dominant in the left VA. We performed a balloon test occlusion(BTO)for 20 min and it did not cause any complications;therefore, we occluded the VA using endovascular coils. After 4 days, we removed the meningioma in the prone position, using a far-lateral approach and C1-laminectomy. The laterally located meningioma pushed the brainstem. After detaching the tumor from the dura, we cut the encased VA and the tumor was resected safely(Simpson grade II). Postoperatively, she developed temporal thermal hypoalgesia on the left side of her body. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a microinfarction in the medulla.
CONCLUSION: If the VA test occlusion provides a clear result, pre-operative endovascular sacrifice of the VA encased by CVJ meningioma is a feasible treatment strategy.