Surgical approach, complications, and reoperation rates of combined rectal and pelvic organ prolapse surgery.
PMID: 32577789 DOI: 10.1007/s00192-020-04394-2.
OBJECTIVES: Our primary objective was to determine rectal prolapse (RP) and pelvic organ prolapse (POP) reoperation rates and postoperative < 30-day complications after combined RP and POP surgery at a single institution.
本研究は、2008年から2019年までに単一の三次医療センターでRPとPOPの併用手術を受けた全女性患者を対象としたIRB承認のレトロスペクティブコホート研究である。再発は,指標手術後のいずれかの時点で,その後の RP または POP 手術の繰り返しが必要であると定義した.手術合併症は Clavien-Dindo クラスに分けた。
METHODS: This was an IRB-approved retrospective cohort study of all female patients who received combined RP and POP surgery at a single tertiary care center from 2008 to 2019. Recurrence was defined as the need for subsequent repeat RP or POP surgery at any point after the index surgery. Surgical complications were separated into Clavien-Dindo classes.
63例が同定され、18.3%(12/63例)に30日未満の合併症が認められた(55% Clavien-Dindo grade 1;27% Clavien-Dindo grade 2;18% Clavien-Dindo grade 4)。腹部RPとPOPの併用修復を受けた患者のうち、MIS群では術後30日以内の合併症は認められなかったのに対し、開腹手術群では37.5%であった(p<0.01)。全体として、RPとPOPを併用した患者では、RPの再発に対するRP手術の必要性は14%、POPの再発に対するPOP手術の必要性は4.8%でした(p=0.25)。
RESULTS: Sixty-three patients were identified, and 18.3% (12/63) had < 30-day complications (55% Clavien-Dindo grade 1; 27% Clavien-Dindo grade 2; 18% Clavien-Dindo grade 4). Of patients undergoing combined abdominal RP and POP repair, no postoperative < 30-day complications were noted in the MIS group compared to 37.5% of those patients in the laparotomy group (p < 0.01). Overall, in those patients who underwent combined RP and POP surgery, the need for subsequent RP surgery for recurrent RP was 14% and the need for subsequent POP surgery for recurrent POP was 4.8% (p = 0.25).
CONCLUSION: In this cohort of women undergoing combined RP and POP surgery, a higher proportion required subsequent RP surgery compared to those requiring subsequent POP surgery, although this was not statistically significant. Almost one-fifth of patients undergoing combined RP and POP surgery experienced a < 30-day surgical complication, regardless of whether the approach was perineal or abdominal. For those patients undergoing abdominal repair, < 30-day complications were more likely in those patients who had a laparotomy compared to those who had a minimally invasive surgery.