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Int J Dent Hyg.2020 Jun;doi: 10.1111/idh.12454.Epub 2020-06-27.


Early Childhood Caries and Related Risk Factors: A cross-sectional study of children in Zhejiang Province, China.

  • Haihua Zhu
  • Ying Xuan
  • Fudong Zhu
  • Chaoqiang Huang
  • Yunxian Yu
PMID: 32592627 DOI: 10.1111/idh.12454.




OBJECTIVES: This work aims to exploring the risk factors related to ECC by investigating oral health status, related behaviors and habits of children and their parent's knowledge regarding oral hygiene.



METHOD: A total of 2700 children aged 3-5 years and their parents from Zhejiang province were examined. Chi-square test or U test was used to analyze the difference of caries incidence among different groups. Logistic multiple factor stepwise regression model was used to analyze the risk factors influencing ECC prevalence.



RESULTS: ECC prevalence rate in these children was 70.7%. The mean decayed missing filled teeth(dmft) scores was 4.33. Through analysis of logistic multiple factor stepwise regression model, risk factors related to the prevalence of ECC in children include: older age, region (coastal or mountainous area), higher frequency of bedtime dessert consumption, and poor care of children's oral health by parents. In the questionnaire, 5 of 14 questions showed parents' poor oral knowledge or awareness.


この研究における 3~5 歳児の ECC 有病率は高く,年齢の高さ,地域(沿岸部または山間部),就寝時のデザート摂取頻度の高さ,子どもの口腔ケアの貧弱さと関連していた.保護者のう蝕に対する理解と行動の強化が必要である。

CONCLUSION: The prevalence rate of ECC in children aged 3-5 in this study was high and associated with older age, region (coastal or mountainous area), higher frequency of bedtime dessert consumption and poor care of children's oral health. Parents need to strengthen their understanding and action of dental caries.

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