Extradural thoracic meningeal cyst without spinal dysraphism causing adulthood myelopathy: Case illustration and review of the literature.
PMID: 32600974 DOI: 10.1016/j.jocn.2020.05.039.
Extradural spinal meningeal cysts are rare lesions in the adult spine and are an uncommon cause of neurologic deficits. We present the case of an adult who presented with myelopathic symptoms related to a dorsally based extradural thoracic meningeal cyst in the absence of any defect in the posterior spinal elements and no history of spinal dysraphism or trauma. We also performed a review of the literature to evaluate the surgical techniques for extradural meningeal cysts. Most thoracic cysts are intradural arachnoid cysts, yet this lesion is an extradural meningeal cyst, not an intradural arachnoid cyst. Because of the rarity of this lesion, its anatomic characterization can be difficult to conceptualize. An artist's illustration helps illustrate the anatomic characteristics of this cyst and our surgical management.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.