マトリックスメタロプロテアーゼ 3(MMP3)一塩基多型と腱鞘炎との関連:ハイレベルアスリートを対象としたケースコントロール研究
Association of the matrix metalloproteinase 3 (MMP3) single nucleotide polymorphisms with tendinopathies: case-control study in high-level athletes.
PMID: 32607795 DOI: 10.1007/s00264-020-04684-w.
BACKGROUND: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play an important role in matrix remodelling, as well as in tendon integrity. Due to overuse, athletes often develop chronic tendinopathies. If not treated, they lead to severe impairment, even complete tendon ruptures.
AIM: The main purpose of this study was to investigate whether three functional polymorphisms within the MMP3 gene are associated with increased risk of developing tendinopathies in high-level Croatian athletes.
この症例対照遺伝学的研究のために、155人(腱鞘炎と診断されたハイレベルアスリート63人と無症状の対照者92人)の無関係な白人を募集した。全参加者を対象に、MMP3遺伝子内の3つの一塩基多型(SNP):rs591058 C/T、rs650108 A/G、rs679620 G/Aをパイロシークエンシング法を用いてジェノタイピングを行った。
METHODS: We have recruited one hundred fifty-five (63 high-level athletes with diagnosed tendinopathies and 92 asymptomatic controls) unrelated Caucasians for this case-control genetic study. All participants were genotyped for three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) within the MMP3 gene: rs591058 C/T, rs650108 A/G and rs679620 G/A using the pyrosequencing method.
MMP3 rs650108 GG (P=0.0074) と rs679620 AA (P=0.0119) の遺伝子型は、対照群と比較して症例で有意に過剰発現していた。
RESULTS: The MMP3 rs650108 GG (P = 0.0074) and rs679620 AA (P = 0.0119) genotypes were significantly over-represented in cases compared with controls, while rs591058 TT (P = 0.0759), as well as haplotype variant T - G - A (P = 0.06), implicated that there is an indication of predisposition for tendinopathies.
CONCLUSION: These results support association between functional variants within the MMP3 gene and the risk of tendinopathies in high-level athletes. Further research is needed to replicate these results in a larger population.