Nesomesochorinae Ashmead (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)の新属と新種2種
A New Genus and Two New Species of the Subfamily Nesomesochorinae Ashmead (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae).
PMID: 32607900 DOI: 10.1007/s13744-020-00778-7.
Nesomesochorinaeはダーウィンスズメバチ亜科(昆虫目:Hymenoptera: Ichneumononidae)の中ではかなり小さな亜科であり、3つの属が報告されているだけである。本研究では、ペルーから4番目のネソメソコリン属を発見し、新属として記載した。本属は,下顎は近位側に平行で,先端の下歯は上歯よりもはるかに小さく尖っていることから,これまでに報告されているNesomesochorinae属とは区別される。
Nesomesochorinae is a rather small subfamily of Darwin wasps (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), only with three described genera. We recognize a fourth nesomesochorine genus from Perú and describe it as a new genus, Bina Shimizu & Alvarado gen. nov. The new genus is distinguished from previously described genera of Nesomesochorinae by the following combination of character states: mandible parallel-sided proximally and abruptly strongly narrowed ventroapically so that its lower apical tooth is much smaller and sharper than upper tooth; propodeum with lateromedian longitudinal carinae between anterior and posterior transverse carinae developed on more than posterior 0.9 so that the area superomedia is more or less enclosed; thyridium of 2nd metasomal tergite sometimes very large; 1st metasomal tergite stout and arched; body highly shiny. Binagen. nov. comprises two species also described as new to science: B. huayrurae Shimizu & Alvarado sp. nov. (type species of Binagen. nov.) and B. nigra Shimizu & Alvarado sp. nov. Identification keys to genera of Nesomesochorinae and to species of Binagen. nov. are provided.