Challenges of Engineering Biomimetic Dental and Paradental Tissues.
PMID: 32621282 DOI: 10.1007/s13770-020-00269-1.
BACKGROUND: Loss of the dental and paradental tissues resulting from trauma, caries or from systemic diseases considered as one of the most significant and frequent clinical problem to the healthcare professionals. Great attempts have been implemented to recreate functionally, healthy dental and paradental tissues in order to substitute dead and diseased tissues resulting from secondary trauma of car accidents, congenital malformations of cleft lip and palate or due to acquired diseases such as cancer and periodontal involvements.
METHOD: An extensive literature search has been done on PubMed database from 2010 to 2019 about the challenges of engineering a biomimetic tooth (BioTooth) regarding basic biology of the tooth and its supporting structures, strategies, and different techniques of obtaining biological substitutes for dental tissue engineering.
RESULTS: It has been found that great challenges need to be considered before engineering biomimetic individual parts of the tooth such as enamel, dentin-pulp complex and periodontium. In addition, two approaches have been adopted to engineer a BioTooth. The first one was to engineer a BioTooth as an individual unit and the other was to engineer a BioTooth with its supporting structures.
将来的には、従来の歯科治療に代わる治療法として、バイオトゥースのエンジニアリングとそれを支える構造物が考えられています。この目標を達成するために、様々な細胞株や成長因子をナノレベルで足場にしたものが使用されています。この分野の最近の研究は、in vivoとin vitroの両方で、この目的のために捧げられています。この分野での進歩にもかかわらず、多くの課題があり、克服しなければならないことがありますが、その多くは歯の基本的な生物学とそれを支える構造に関連するものであり、その他のいくつかは、細胞の単離、必要な足場の作製、シグナル伝達分子の入手などの高度な技術に関連しています。
CONCLUSION: Engineering of BioTooth with its supporting structures thought to be in the future will replace the traditional and conventional treatment modalities in the field of dentistry. To accomplish this goal, different cell lines and growth factors with a variety of scaffolds at the nano-scale level are now in use. Recent researches in this area of interest are dedicated for this objective, both in vivo and in vitro. Despite progress in this field, there are still many challenges ahead and need to be overcome, many of which related to the basic tooth biology and its supporting structures and some others related to the sophisticated techniques isolating cells, fabricating the needed scaffolds and obtaining the signaling molecules.