Xenogeneic mesenchymal stem cell transplantation for mandibular defect regeneration.
PMID: 32629548 DOI: 10.1111/xen.12625.
BACKGROUND: It is commonly accepted that xenogeneic stem cell transplantation for tissue engineering is faced with host immune rejection. Using a rat critical-size mandibular defect model, this study examined whether the immune rejection can be evaded by diminishing T-cell immunity.
METHODS: To examine donor cell survival and host immune reaction, pig bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) were labeled with CM-DiI, loaded onto gelatin sponge (5 × 10 cells/scaffold), and transplanted into 5-mm mandibular defects of immunocompetent and T cell-deficient athymic rats. To examine the effects of xenogeneic BM-MSCs on bone regeneration, athymic rats undergone the same surgeries were terminated at post-operative weeks 1, 3, and 6. Control rats underwent the same jaw surgery without BM-MSC transplantation.
CM-DiI標識BM-MSCsの密度は、両系統のラットで時間の経過とともに減少した。術後1日目のBMMS細胞密度は、運動性ラットの方が免疫不全ラットよりも高かったが、術後3日目から7日目までには両系統で同程度の密度になった。カスパーゼ-3切断染色によるアポトーシスは両系統ともに低かった。好中球、マクロファージ、B細胞、CD8 T細胞の浸潤はMSC処理ラットでより強く認められた。運動性ラットでは好中球とマクロファージの浸潤が強かったが、免疫不全ラットよりも浸潤が遅れていた。骨量率は時間とともに有意に増加したが(P"Zs_A0"<"Zs_A0".001)、MSC処理群と対照群の間に差は認められなかった。
RESULTS: The density of CM-DiI-labeled BM-MSCs decreased with time in both strains of rats. Although it was substantially higher in athymic rats than in immunocompetent rats at post-operative day 1, by day 3-7 the density became comparable between the two strains of rats. Apoptosis reflected by cleaved Caspase-3 staining was low in both strains. Stronger infiltration of neutrophils, macrophages, B cells and CD8 T cells was found in MSC-treated animals. In athymic rats, infiltration of neutrophils and macrophages was strong, but it occurred later than that in immunocompetent rats. While bone volume fraction significantly increased with time (P < .001), no difference was found between MSC-treated and control groups.
CONCLUSIONS: Even in hosts with deficient T-cell immunity, xenogeneic BM-MSC transplantation into mandibular critical-sized defects still faces challenges from host innate immunity, which compromises their regenerative efficacy.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.