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Kathmandu Univ Med J (KUMJ).2019;17(66):145-147.


Cervical Enamel Projection - A Rare Case Report with its Management.

PMID: 32632064



A developmental anomaly like cervical enamel projection is a rare finding in the maxillary anterior region. Its ectopic presence attracts attention in literature. This type of anomaly is typically found in the furcation region of molars. The case report presented here deals with the ectopic presence of combined anomalous lesion and its management. A 18 year old male presented with pronounced bilobed cingulum extending as a cervical enamel projection on the maxillary right lateral incisor associated with pain, exudation and difficulty in mastication. Enameloplasty and regenerative procedure was performed. The possible etiology, its management and healing evaluated by CBCT are presented in this report. One year follow up showed satisfactory healing with no recurrence of abscess.