Management of symptomatic uterine fibroids with ulipristal acetate: A retrospective, multicentric and nationwide study.
PMID: 32652302 DOI: 10.1016/j.jogoh.2020.101862.
2017 年の 1 年間に、病院で少なくとも 1 コースのウリプリスタル酢酸塩(UPA)5 mg/日療法を行った後の症候性子宮筋腫の転帰を評価すること。
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate symptomatic uterine fibroid outcomes following at least one course of ulipristal acetate (UPA) 5 mg/day therapy in the hospital setting, during the year 2017.
症候性子宮筋腫を有する女性を対象としたレトロスペクティブで記述的な分析を、2017 年にポルトガルの 15 の病院センターで実施し、少なくとも 1 コースの UPA 5 mg/日治療後の子宮筋腫の大きさ、出血抑制、ヘモグロビン値を評価した。副次的転帰は、治療の理由、手術の種類、線維腫の分類、治療に対する患者の満足度、有害事象であった。
STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective and descriptive analysis involving women with symptomatic fibroids was conducted in 15 hospital centers in Portugal in 2017 to assess fibroid size, bleeding control and hemoglobin levels following at least one course of UPA 5 mg/day. Secondary outcomes were the reasons for the treatment, type of surgery, fibroid classification, patient satisfaction with the treatment, and adverse events.
本調査には 5,26 例の患者が登録され,93%の女性が UPA による治療を少なくとも 1 コース以上完了していた.子宮内出血のコントロールは81%の症例で達成された。治療後、ヘモグロビン値の有意な増加(p<0.001)と子宮筋腫サイズの減少(p<0.001)が観察され、中央値はベースラインから24%減少した。47%の患者がその後の手術を受け、この多施設共同研究では重篤な有害事象は報告されていませんでした。
RESULTS: Five-hundred and twenty-six patients were enrolled in this survey, and 93 % of the women completed, at least, 1 treatment course with UPA. Uterine bleeding control was achieved in 81 % of the cases. A significant increase (p < 0.001) in hemoglobin levels and a reduction (p < 0.001) in uterine fibroid size was observed after treatment, with a median reduction of 24 % from the baseline. Forty-seven percent of the patients underwent subsequent surgery and there were no serious adverse events reported in this multicentric nationwide study.
CONCLUSIONS: So far, this is the largest case series reporting on symptomatic uterine fibroid outcomes after UPA therapy in Portugal. Our data are in line with published literature and confirm favorable outcomes after UPA therapy for women of childbearing age and premenopausal.
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