過敏な食生活を克服する子どもたち(COPE) - クラスター無作為化比較試験
Children overcoming picky eating (COPE) - A cluster randomised controlled trial.
PMID: 32659247 DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2020.104791.
OBJECTIVES: Food neophobia limits dietary variety in children and adults. Interventions to alleviate the impact of neophobia on children's dietary variety have had varying success. The potential effectiveness of mindfulness, a process of bringing awareness to the present moment, has received little attention. This trial aimed to explore the effectiveness of two mindfulness exercises on novel food acceptance for children.
METHODS: A cluster-randomised controlled trial with three trial arms compared the impact of two mindfulness exercises (mindful breathing and mindful raisin-eating) and a non-mindful control task on anticipated liking and intake of a novel fruit. Seventy-one children aged 10-12 years engaged in one of the three tasks at school over five days and were offered a novel fruit at the end of the intervention. Children self-reported mindfulness, food neophobia and anxiety at baseline and follow-up.
2つの混合効果モデルでは、学校効果と共変量(マインドフルネス、 食物恐怖症、不安を含む)を調整した結果、マインドフルネス・ レーズンを食べる群の子どもたちは、新しい果物に対する期待された 好奇心が高く、マインドフルネスの両群の子どもたちは対照群の 子どもたちよりも新しい果物を大量に消費したことが示された。混合計画ANOVAでは、各試験群でマインドフルネス、食物恐怖症、不安は時間の経過とともに変化しないことが示された。
RESULTS: Two mixed-effects models showed that, controlling for school effects and covariates (including mindfulness, food neophobia and anxiety), children in the mindful raisin-eating arm reported greater anticipated liking of a novel fruit and children in both mindfulness arms consumed greater amounts of a novel fruit than children in the control arm. Mixed-design ANOVAs indicated that mindfulness, food neophobia and anxiety did not change over time in each trial arm.
CONCLUSIONS: The results provide promising evidence for the potential effectiveness of mindfulness interventions in encouraging children to try new foods. The mechanisms underlying effectiveness remain unclear and further research, exploring long-term effects and the possibility to generalise these findings to other food groups such as vegetables, is needed.
Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier Ltd.