夏大根(Raphanus sativus L. )の収穫後の温度と水の状態が割裂感受性に影響を与えることを明らかにした
Post-harvest temperature and water status influence post-harvest splitting susceptibility in summer radish (Raphanus sativus L.).
PMID: 32662095 DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.10662.
裂果は、多くの果菜類において、外観や市場性に深刻な影響を与える問題である。夏大根(Raphanus sativus L.)では、生育期、収穫期、ポストハーベスト期に裂け目が発生することがある。夏大根(Raphanus sativus L.)の割裂感受性に影響を与える要因を調査した。Celestaのポストハーベスト処理時の割裂感受性に影響を与える要因を検討した。
BACKGROUND: Splitting is a problem that seriously affects appearance and marketability in a number of fruit and vegetables. In summer radish (Raphanus sativus L.), splitting can occur during growth, harvesting and post-harvest. We investigated the factors affecting splitting susceptibility in summer radish cv. Celesta during post-harvest handling.
RESULTS: Splitting susceptibility was negatively related to temperature, with higher temperature reducing splitting due to dropping impact. Radish diameter was positively associated with compression failure force, suggesting that larger radishes are more resistant to compressive splitting. An increase in radish hypocotyl water content (WC) was associated with an increase in splitting susceptibility due to impact and decrease in failure force for both compression and puncture forces. Increased hypocotyl WC may increase splitting susceptibility by increasing the water potential of the radish tissue. In agreement, we found that increased hypocotyl WC was associated with higher internal water potential in radish tissue.
CONCLUSIONS: We therefore recommend that the hypocotyl water content of summer radish crops be managed during the harvest and post-harvest phases, and that crops are processed at higher, ambient, temperature in order to reduce splitting, before storing at low temperature and high humidity to maintain quality and shelf life. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.