The effectiveness of repeated intravenous ketamine on depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation and functional disability in adults with major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder: Results from the Canadian Rapid Treatment Center of Excellence.
PMID: 32664031 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2020.05.088.
BACKGROUND: The effectiveness, tolerability, and safety of intravenous (IV) ketamine in adults with treatment resistant depression (TRD) receiving care in real-word settings is insufficiently characterized. Herein, results from a naturalistic, retrospective study are presented from a Canadian outpatient IV ketamine clinic.
大うつ病性障害または双極性障害の成人(N=213;M=45)で、ステージ2以上の抗うつ薬抵抗性を有する者を対象に、地域に根ざした集学的診療所でケタミンの静脈内投与を行った。主要アウトカム指標は、Quick Inventory for Depression Symptomatology-Self Report-16(QIDS-SR、n=190)のベースラインから注入後4までの変化であった。副次的な尺度として、QIDS-SRで測定された反応率と寛解率、一般化不安障害7尺度(GAD-7、n=188)およびSheehan障害尺度(SDS、n=168)のベースラインからエンドポイントまでの変化が含まれた。
METHODS: Adults (N = 213; M = 45) with Major Depressive Disorder or Bipolar Disorder, with a minimum of Stage 2 antidepressant resistance, received IV ketamine at a community-based multi-disciplinary clinic. The primary outcome measure was change from baseline to post-infusion 4 on the Quick Inventory for Depression Symptomatology-Self Report-16 (QIDS-SR; n = 190). Secondary measures included QIDS-SR-measured response and remission rates, changes from baseline to endpoint in Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 Scale (GAD-7; n = 188) and the Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS; n = 168).
RESULTS: Significant improvement in total depressive symptoms severity (p < 0.0001) was observed after four infusions of IV ketamine 0.5-0.75 mg/kg. Moreover, the response rate (QIDS-SR total score change ≥ 50%) was 27% and remission (QIDS-SR total score ≤5) rate was 13%. Patients receiving IV ketamine exhibited anxiolytic effects (p < 0.0001,), improved overall psychosocial function (p < 0.0001), and reduced suicidal ideation (p < 0.0001). Compared to the baseline infusion, dissociation severity significantly reduced in subsequent infusions.
LIMITATIONS: This was a naturalistic, retrospective study, without a control group.
CONCLUSIONS: IV ketamine was safe, well-tolerated, and effective at improving depressive, anxiety, and functional impairment symptoms in a well-characterized cohort of adults with TRD.
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