アルゼンチン産のLeptodactylus latrans(Anura; Leptodactylidae)のCosmocercoides(Nematoda; Cosmocercidae)などの蠕虫類の新種
A new species of Cosmocercoides (Nematoda; Cosmocercidae) and other helminths in Leptodactylus latrans (Anura; Leptodactylidae) from Argentina.
PMID: 32667505 DOI: 10.1590/0001-3765202020180499.
アルゼンチン・ブエノスアイレス北東部県産のLeptodactylus latrans(Anura: Leptodactylidae)の小腸由来のCosmocercoides latrans n. sp. (Cosmocercidae)を記載した。本種はその近縁種との特徴の組み合わせにより区別できるが,その中でも特にロゼット状乳頭の数の多さ,腹柄節の欠如,雌雄ともに側方アラエの存在が際立っている。Cosmocercoides属には20種以上の種があり、Cosmocercoides latrans n. sp.は新熱帯地域では3種目、アルゼンチンでは2種目である。さらに、Pseudoacanthocephalus cf. lutzi、Catadiscus uruguayensis、Rauschiella palmipedis、Aplectana hylambatis、Cosmocerca parva、Schrankiana sp.およびRabdias elegansの7種が報告されており、文献記録と分布および宿主と寄生虫の関係についての情報が提供されている。
Cosmocercoides latrans n. sp. (Cosmocercidae) from the small intestine of Leptodactylus latrans (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from Northeastern Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina is described. The new species can be distinguished from their congeners by a combination of the characters, among which stands out the number of rosette papillae, the lack of gubernaculum and the presence of lateral alae in both sexes. There are over 20 species in the genus Cosmocercoides, and Cosmocercoides latrans n. sp. represents the third species from the Neotropical realm and the second for Argentina. Additionally, seven previously known taxa are reported; Pseudoacanthocephalus cf. lutzi, Catadiscus uruguayensis, Rauschiella palmipedis, Aplectana hylambatis, Cosmocerca parva, Schrankiana sp. and Rhabdias elegans; providing literature records and information on distribution and host-parasite relationships.