Women's views about breast cancer prevention at mammography screening units and well women's clinics.
PMID: 32669942 PMCID: PMC7339851. DOI: 10.3747/co.27.5755.
Background: Women attending mammography screening units (msus) and well women's clinics (wwcs) represent a motivated cohort likely to engage in interventions aimed at primary breast cancer (bca) prevention.
我々は、ノバスコシア州ハリファックスのmsusとwwcsに通う女性(40-49歳または50-74歳)に配布した実現可能性質問票を用いて、■ bcaの一次予防とヘルスケア情報源に関する女性の見解、■ ライフスタイルに関連したbcaの危険因子の有病率、■ 州のスクリーニングガイドライン内でのマンモグラフィ受診の予測因子を調査した。調査された変数には、個人のプロファイリング、併存疾患、マンモグラフィの事前受診、ライフスタイルの行動、社会経済状況、健康情報源、ライフスタイルの変更や内分泌療法について話し合ったり実施したりする意思が含まれている。ロジスティック回帰分析では、マンモグラフィの過去の受診との関連を調べた。
Methods: We used a feasibility questionnaire distributed to women (40-49 or 50-74 years of age) attending msus and wwcs in Halifax, Nova Scotia, to examine■ women's views about bca primary prevention and sources of health care information,■ prevalence of lifestyle-related bca risk factors, and■ predictors of prior mammography encounters within provincial screening guidelines.Variables examined included personal profiling, comorbidities, prior mammography uptake, lifestyle behaviours, socioeconomic status, health information sources, and willingness to discuss or implement lifestyle modifications, or endocrine therapy, or both. A logistic regression analysis examined associations with prior mammography encounters.
Results: Of the 244 responses obtained during 1.5 months from women aged 40-49 years ( = 75) and 50-74 years ( = 169), 56% and 75% respectively sought or would prefer to receive health information from within, as opposed to outside, health care. Lifestyle-related bca risk factors were prevalent, and most women were willing to discuss or implement lifestyle modifications (93%) or endocrine therapy (67%). Of the two age groups, 49% and 93% respectively had previously undergone mammography within guidelines. Increasing age and marital status (single, separated, or divorced vs. married or partnered) were independent predictors of prior mammography encounters within guidelines for women 40-49 years of age; no independent predictors were observed in the older age group.
Conclusions: Women attending msus and wwcs seem to largely adhere to mammography guidelines and appear motivated to engage in bca primary prevention strategies, including lifestyle modifications and endocrine therapy. Women's views as observed in this study provide a rationale for the potential incorporation of bca risk assessment within the "mammogram point of care" to engage motivated women in bca primary prevention strategies.
2020 Multimed Inc.