Exploring unwarranted clinical variation: The attitudes of midwives and obstetric medical staff regarding induction of labour and planned caesarean section.
PMID: 32674990 DOI: 10.1016/j.wombi.2020.07.003.
BACKGROUND: Unexplained clinical variation is a major issue in planned birth i.e. induction of labour and planned caesarean section.
AIM: To map attitudes and knowledge of maternity care professionals regarding indications for planned birth, and assess inter-professional (midwifery versus medical) and intra-professional variation.
シドニーの 8 つの病院の医療・助産スタッフを対象とした調査。スタッフには、帝王切開と誘導に関する45の「エビデンスに基づいた」記述に対する同意度を5段階のリッカート尺度で評価してもらった。回答は専門職別にグループ化され、専門職間および専門職内での回答を比較した。
METHODS: A custom-created survey of medical and midwifery staff at eight Sydney hospitals. Staff were asked to rate their level of agreement with 45 "evidence-based" statements regarding caesareans and inductions on a five-point Likert scale. Responses were grouped by profession, and comparisons made of inter- and intra-professional responses.
回答者は 275 名で、78%が助産師、21%が医療従事者であった。助産師は一般的に医療従事者に比べて、計画された出産の適応を「有効」と考える可能性が低いことが指摘された。助産師の回答の中で最もばらつきが大きかったのは、母体の特徴(年齢≧40歳、肥満、民族性)と胎児の奇形、医療従事者のための体外受精、母体の要求、および妊娠39週での日常的な誘発であった。助産師の反応に最もばらつきがあった帝王切開の適応は、下部分節帝王切開の既往、肩甲骨難産の既往、逆子の既往、医療従事者の未既往の二卵性双生児であった。専門家間でのばらつきが最も大きかった適応は、41週以上での誘発と42週以上での帝王切開の既往と帝王切開であった。
FINDINGS: Total 275 respondents, 78% midwifery and 21% medical. Considerable inter- and intra-professional variation was noted, with midwives generally less likely to consider any of the planned birth indications "valid" compared to medical staff. Indications for induction with most variation in midwifery responses included maternal characteristics (age≥40, obesity, ethnicity) and fetal macrosomia; and for medical personnel in-vitro fertilisation, maternal request, and routine induction at 39 weeks gestation. Indications for caesarean with most variation in midwifery responses included previous lower segment caesarean section, previous shoulder dystocia, and uncomplicated breech; and for medical personnel uncomplicated dichorionic twins. Indications with most inter-professional variation were induction at 41+ weeks versus 42+ weeks and cesarean for previous lower segment caesarean section.
DISCUSSION: Both inter- and intra-professional variation in what were considered valid indications reflected inconsistency in underlying evidence and/or guidelines.
CONCLUSION: Greater focus on interdisciplinary education and consensus, as well as on shared decision-making with women, may be helpful in resolving these tensions.
Copyright © 2020 Australian College of Midwives. All rights reserved.