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Rev Mal Respir.2020 Jul;S0761-8425(20)30211-4. doi: 10.1016/j.rmr.2020.06.011.Epub 2020-07-13.


[Pack-years threshold and HAS self-questionnaire for COPD early diagnosis].

  • M Lorenzo
  • S Delpeyroux
  • V Dupre
PMID: 32675005 DOI: 10.1016/j.rmr.2020.06.011.



フランスの Haute Autorité de santé(HAS)では、プライマリケアでリスクの高い患者の間で目標とする慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)スクリーニングを最適化するために、患者の自己質問票を提供している。これには喫煙が含まれていますが、喫煙年数(PY)の閾値はありません。本研究の目的は,HAS自己質問紙単独とPYの閾値を追加した場合の陽性予測値(PPV)を比較することであった.

INTRODUCTION: The Haute Autorité de santé (HAS) in France offers a patient self-questionnaire to optimize targeted chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) screening among at-risk patients in primary care. It includes smoking but does not have a threshold for pack-years (PY) smoked. The objective of this study was to compare the positive predictive values (PPV) of the HAS self-questionnaire alone and with the addition of a PY threshold.


これは、多職種の保健センターで実施されたプロスペクティブなパイロット研究である。COPD の診断を受けていない喫煙者または元喫煙者のうち,HAS 自己質問票が陽性,PY 閾値が陽性,またはその両方を有する被験者の同定。気管支拡張術後にスピロメトリーを実施した。

METHODS: This was a prospective pilot study conducted in a multi-professional health centre. Identification among smoking or former smoking patients without a COPD diagnosis of subjects with a positive HAS self-questionnaire, a positive PY threshold, or both. We performed spirometry after bronchodilatation.



RESULTS: Thirty-five people were included in the study. All 35 had a positive PY threshold. The HAS questionnaire was positive for 22 of them (62.9%). Spirometry diagnosed 18 participants with COPD (51%). The PPV for the HAS questionnaire was 0.41 and the PPV for the HAS+PY questionnaire was 0.51. There was no statistically significant difference between these two PPVs (P=0.3692).


HAS の自己質問票に PY のしきい値を追加することで、COPD を発症するリスクのある集団をより適切に対象とすることができるかもしれない。

CONCLUSIONS: The addition of a PY threshold to the HAS self-questionnaire may allow better targeting of the population at risk of developing COPD.

Copyright © 2020 SPLF. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.