抗菌力、ファイトケミストリー、GC-MS分析のための植物の超流動臨界抽出物のin vitroでの評価
In vitro estimation of superfluid critical extracts of some plants for their antimicrobial potential, phytochemistry, and GC-MS analyses.
PMID: 32680515 DOI: 10.1186/s12941-020-00371-1.
急速な経済発展と生活習慣の改善に伴い、人々の健康問題への関心が高まっています。合成医薬品は、天然由来の天然のもので補われるようになってきています。植物は、免疫力を高めることから、細菌、真菌、ウイルスなどの病原性微生物による感染症の治療に至るまで、多くの分野で利用されている化合物の供給源と考えられています。本研究では、Cichorium intybus、Cinnamomum camphora、Commiphora myrrha、Foeniculum vulgare、Nerium oleander、Spartium junceumの6種類の植物を調べ、抗菌薬のポートフォリオに植物を取り入れることを目的とした。また、GC-MSを用いて抽出物の有効成分の同定を試みた。
BACKGROUND: Along with swift economic evolution and continuous amelioration of lifestyle, people at present are paying more attention to health issues. Synthetic drugs will be compensated with other natural ones that belong to natural origin. Plants have always been considered as sources of several compounds that are used in many fields, especially human and animal health, starting from boosting immunity to the treatment of infectious diseases caused by some pathogenic microbes such as bacteria, fungi as well as viruses. This study aimed to incorporate some types of plants within the antimicrobial portfolio through the examination of different six plants which were Cichorium intybus, Cinnamomum camphora, Commiphora myrrha, Foeniculum vulgare, Nerium oleander, and Spartium junceum. As well, attempting to identify the active constituents of their extracts using GC-MS.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: All selected plants were analyzed to determine their phytochemical composition such as phenolics, alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, and so on. The extraction step was done by sophisticated equipment called supercritical fluid extractor SFE through adjustment of specific conditions include temperature, time, flow rate and pressure to change the behavior of CO. Testing the antimicrobial activity of each plant extract via agar well diffusion method through the formation of clear zones against a wide range of test microorganisms including both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria as well as yeasts. Finally, attempting to primarily identify the constituents of each plant extract using GC-MS.
F. vulgareの粗抽出物はC. albicans, E. faecalis, S. typhimuriumに対して最高の効力を示し、スクアレン、オイゲノール、イソオイゲノールなどのユニークな化合物を含む一方、C. intybusの抽出物は特にC. lipolyticaとMRSAに対して中程度の活性を示し、ビタミンAのような化合物を含み、抗酸化作用を示した。
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The crude extract of F. vulgare showed the highest potency against C. albicans, E. faecalis and S. typhimurium, it contains some unique compounds such as squalene, eugenol and isoeugenol while, Extract of C. intybus showed a moderate activity especially against C. lipolytica and MRSA and it includes Vitamin A like compound which indicates antioxidant property.
CONCLUSION: Conclusively, fennel gave a promising result as a good wide spectrum antimicrobial agent because it contains some compounds act as antimicrobial agents such as eugenol which was used as food preservatives in addition to squalene which acts as an antioxidant and antimycotic agent so, it will be useful especially while it was used in highly purified form excluding all undesirable subcomponents.