再発リスクの高い腹腔鏡下裂孔ヘルニア修復術と食道括約筋補強術(LINX)に対するfundic gastropexyの追加は、周術期の経過を変えることなく転帰を改善する
Fundic gastropexy for high risk of recurrence laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair and esophageal sphincter augmentation (LINX) improves outcomes without altering perioperative course.
PMID: 32681373 DOI: 10.1007/s00464-020-07789-w.
本研究の目的は、再発リスクの高い患者において、腹腔鏡下手術による裂孔ヘルニア修復術(HHR)とLINX(Johnson and Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ)による磁気括約筋補強術(MSA)にファンディック胃ペキシーを追加することで、周術期の経過を変えることなく転帰が改善されることを示すことである。
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to show that the addition of a fundic gastropexy to a laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair (HHR) and magnetic sphincter augmentation (MSA) with LINX (Johnson and Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ) in patients with high risk for hiatal hernia recurrence improves outcomes without altering perioperative course.
METHODS: An IRB approved, single institution retrospective review of patient outcomes after hiatal hernia repair with magnetic sphincter augmentation was performed. Data were obtained from the electronic health record and stored in a REDCap database. Using statistical software, the patient data were analyzed and stratified to assess the specific variables of the perioperative and postoperative course focusing on the high risk of hiatal hernia recurrence group (HRHR) and low risk hiatal hernia of recurrence group (LRHR). The HRHR group received a gastropexy and were defined using the following variables: comorbid state increasing abdominal pressure, gastric herniation > 30%, maximum transverse crural diameter > 4 cm, age 70 years or older, previous hiatal or abdominal wall hernia repair, BMI > 34, heavy weight bearing job/hobby, and/or emergent repair.
RESULTS: Hiatal hernia repair with magnetic sphincter augmentation was performed on 137 patients. The HRHR group (N = 86) and the LRHR group (N = 51) were compared and there was a difference observed with acute hernia recurrence, dysphagia (p value = 0.008), and number of post-op EGDs (p value = 0.005) in favor of the HRHR group. Other postoperative variables observed (i.e., length of stay and PPI use) showed no significant difference between the two groups.
CONCLUSIONS: Fundic gastropexy for individuals who are considered high risk for recurrence does not appear to alter the perioperative course in our sample of patients. The HRHR group has the same length of stay experience and improved postoperative outcomes with reference to postoperative EGD, dysphagia and a decreasing trend in hiatal hernia recurrence.