The association between longer durations of the active phase of labor and subsequent perinatal processes and outcomes among midwifery patients.
PMID: 32687226 DOI: 10.1111/birt.12494.
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between the duration of the latent phase of labor and subsequent processes and outcomes.
低リスク妊娠および自然分娩の女性 1,189 例を対象に、プロスペクティブに収集したデータの二次解析を行った。
METHODS: Secondary analysis of prospectively collected data among 1,189 women with low-risk pregnancies and spontaneous labor.
長い潜相持続時間は、陣痛性難産と関連していた(例えば、nulliparous≥平均値[<平均値と比較] aOR 3.95 [2.70-5.79];multiparous≥平均値[<平均値と比較] aOR 5.45 [3.43-8.65])、難産を改善するための介入、および対処または安静のためのエピデュラ(例えば、オキシトシン増強:nulliparous>80%[<80%と比較した場合]aOR 6.39 [4.04-10.12];multiparous≧80%[<80%と比較した場合]aOR 6.35 [3.79-10.64])。また、潜伏期の期間の長さは、活動期および第二期の期間の長さと関連していた。一次帝王切開率が比較的低い診療所では、潜伏期の持続時間と帝王切開分娩や産後出血のリスクとの関連は認められませんでした。陣痛の潜伏期が80%以上の多胎女性から生まれた新生児は、NICUに入院する頻度が高い(80%以上[80%未満と比較して]aOR 2.7 [1.22-5.84])が、NICU入院の3分の2は観察のみである可能性が高い。
RESULTS: Longer latent phase duration was associated with labor dystocia (eg, nulliparous ≥ mean [compared with < mean] aOR 3.95 [2.70-5.79]; multiparous ≥ mean [compared with < mean] aOR 5.45 [3.43-8.65]), interventions to ameliorate dystocia, and epidurals to cope or rest (eg, oxytocin augmentation: nulliparous > 80th% [compared with < 80th%] aOR 6.39 [4.04-10.12]; multiparous ≥ 80th% [compared with < 80th%] aOR 6.35 [3.79-10.64]). Longer latent phase duration was also associated with longer active phase and second stage. There were no associations between latent phase duration and risk for cesarean delivery or postpartum hemorrhage in a practice setting with relatively low rates of primary cesarean. Newborns born to multiparous women with latent phase of labor durations at and beyond the 80th% were more frequently admitted to the NICU (≥80th% [compared with < 80th%] aOR 2.7 [1.22-5.84]); however, two-thirds of these NICU admissions were likely for observation only.
CONCLUSIONS: Longer duration of the spontaneous latent phase of labor among women with low-risk pregnancies may signal longer total labor processes, leading to an increase in diagnosis of dystocia, interventions to manage dystocia, and epidural use. Apart from multiparous neonatal NICU admission, no other maternal or child morbidity outcomes were elevated with longer duration of the latent phase of labor.
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