暑い気候における熱関連死亡率 .マリコパ郡、アリゾナ州、2006-2016年
Heat-Associated Mortality in a Hot Climate : Maricopa County, Arizona, 2006-2016.
PMID: 32687733 DOI: 10.1177/0033354920938006.
OBJECTIVES: Maricopa County, Arizona (2017 population about 4.3 million), is located in the Sonoran Desert. In 2005, the Maricopa County Department of Public Health (MCDPH) established a heat-associated mortality surveillance system that captures data on circumstances of death for Maricopa County residents and visitors. We analyzed 2006-2016 surveillance system data to understand the characteristics and circumstances of heat-associated deaths.
死亡診断書のパートIまたはパートIIに記載されたコード(X30、T67.X、P81.0)および語句(熱曝露、環境、疲労、太陽、熱ストレス、熱中症、または高熱症)に基づいて、熱関連死を分類した。死亡者の人口統計学的特徴、アリゾナ州に居住していた年数、死亡場所(屋内と屋外)、エアコンの有無と機能、ホームレスであったかどうかに関するデータをまとめた。Pearson χ検定とロジスティック回帰を用いて変数間の有意な関連を検討した。
METHODS: We classified heat-associated deaths based on codes (X30, T67.X, and P81.0) and phrases (heat exposure, environ, exhaustion, sun, heat stress, heat stroke, or hyperthermia) in part I or part II of the death certificate. We summarized data on decedents' demographic characteristics, years lived in Arizona, location of death (indoors vs outdoors), presence and functionality of air conditioning, and whether the decedent had been homeless. We examined significant associations between variables by using the Pearson χ tests and logistic regression.
RESULTS: During 2006-2016, MCDPH recorded data on 920 heat-associated deaths, 912 of which included location of injury. Of 565 (62%) heat-associated deaths that occurred outdoors, 458 (81%) were among male decedents and 243 (43%) were among decedents aged 20-49. Of 347 (38%) heat-associated deaths that occurred indoors, 201 (58%) were among decedents aged ≥65. Non-Arizona residents were 5 times as likely as Arizona residents to have a heat-associated death outdoors ( < .001). Of 727 decedents with data on duration of Arizona residency, 438 (60%) had resided in Arizona ≥20 years.
CONCLUSIONS: Ongoing evaluation of interventions that target populations at risk for both outdoor and indoor heat-associated deaths can further inform refinement of the surveillance system and identify best practices to prevent heat-associated deaths.