感染症入院、ニューヨーク市、2001 年~2014 年
Infectious Disease Hospitalizations, New York City, 2001-2014.
PMID: 32687737 DOI: 10.1177/0033354920935080.
OBJECTIVE: Hospital discharge data are a means of monitoring infectious diseases in a population. We investigated rates of infectious disease hospitalizations in New York City.
我々は,2001 年から 2014 年の間に感染症の主診断を受けたニューヨーク州の病院から退院した住民のデータを,Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System を用いて分析した.年間の年齢調整入院率および院内死亡が発生した入院の割合を算出した。感染部位または敗血症の部位別、および病原体の種類別に診断を検討した。
METHODS: We analyzed data for residents discharged from New York State hospitals with a principal diagnosis of an infectious disease during 2001-2014 by using the Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System. We calculated annual age-adjusted hospitalization rates and the percentage of hospitalizations in which in-hospital death occurred. We examined diagnoses by site of infection or sepsis and by pathogen type.
2001~2014年の間、ニューヨーク市における感染症の年間平均年齢調整入院率は、人口10万人当たり1661.6(95%CI、1659.2~1663.9)であった;年間平均年齢調整入院率は、2001~2003年から2012~2014年にかけて減少した(率比=0.9;95%CI、0.9~0.9)。2001~2014 年の院内死亡率は 5.9%であった。感染症および敗血症診断の全部位の中で、年間平均年齢調整入院率が最も高かった診断は下気道で、次いで敗血症であった。2001年~2003年から2012年~2014年にかけて、人口10万人当たりの平均年間年齢調整入院率は、HIVでは123.1(95%CI、121.7~124.5)から40.0(95%CI、39.2~40.7)に、結核では10.2(95%CI、9.8~10.6)から4.6(95%CI、4.4~4.9)に減少していた。
RESULTS: During 2001-2014, the mean annual age-adjusted rate of infectious disease hospitalizations in New York City was 1661.6 (95% CI, 1659.2-1663.9) per 100 000 population; the mean annual age-adjusted hospitalization rate decreased from 2001-2003 to 2012-2014 (rate ratio = 0.9; 95% CI, 0.9-0.9). The percentage of in-hospital death during 2001-2014 was 5.9%. The diagnoses with the highest mean annual age-adjusted hospitalization rates among all sites of infection and sepsis diagnoses were the lower respiratory tract, followed by sepsis. From 2001-2003 to 2012-2014, the mean annual age-adjusted hospitalization rate per 100 000 population for HIV decreased from 123.1 (95% CI, 121.7-124.5) to 40.0 (95% CI, 39.2-40.7) and for tuberculosis decreased from 10.2 (95% CI, 9.8-10.6) to 4.6 (95% CI, 4.4-4.9).
CONCLUSIONS: Although hospital discharge data are subject to limitations, particularly for tracking sepsis, lower respiratory tract infections and sepsis are important causes of infectious disease hospitalizations in New York City. Hospitalizations for HIV infection and tuberculosis appear to be declining.