Aspects of Technology That Influence Athletic Trainers' Current Patient Care Documentation Strategies in the Secondary School.
PMID: 32688388 DOI: 10.4085/1062-6050-405-19.
CONTEXT: Previous research on athletic trainers' (ATs) documentation practices in the secondary school setting has focused on users of 1 electronic medical record (EMR) platform. These studies have identified that ATs use multiple platforms for documentation, including paper, even when an EMR is available.
紙、EMR、またはその両方を含む様々な形態の患者ケア文書を使用している AT の文書化の実践を調査する。
OBJECTIVE: To examine the documentation practices of ATs who use various forms of patient care documentation, including paper, EMRs, or both.
DESIGN: Qualitative study.
SETTING: Individual telephone interviews.
この研究には 20 名の AT が参加した。女性12名、男性8名で、平均年齢38±14歳、臨床経験15±13年、現在の中等教育学校での就業年数11±11年であった。
PATIENTS OR OTHER PARTICIPANTS: Twenty ATs participated in this study: 12 women and 8 men who averaged 38 ± 14 years of age, 15 ± 13 years of clinical experience, and 11 ± 11 years of employment at their current secondary school.
ATの文書化の実践についての洞察を得るために、半構造化された電話インタビューが実施されました。3 人の研究者と 2 人の監査員が、4 回の合意に基づくコーディングとデータの飽和度の決定からなる合意に基づく質的調査プロセスを使用して、トランスクリプトを誘導的にコーディングしました。信頼性については、メンバーによるチェック、複数の分析者による三角測量、およびピアレビューを用いて対処した。
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Semistructured telephone interviews were conducted to gain insight into ATs' documentation practices. Three researchers and 2 auditors inductively coded the transcripts using a consensual qualitative research process that consisted of 4 rounds of consensus coding and determination of data saturation. Trustworthiness was addressed with member checking, multiple-analyst triangulation, and peer review.
RESULTS: The ATs' documentation practices were largely influenced by technology, organized in 3 themes. Participants' current documentation strategies included the use of both paper and EMRs, as they found different benefits to using each platform. Oftentimes documentation practices were shaped by technological challenges, including unreliable networks, software design problems, and the lack of a streamlined approach. Lastly, participants identified future strategies for improving documentation, including the need for better EMR options and streamlining their individual documentation behaviors.
多くの AT は EMR を臨床現場に導入したいと考えていたが、それを試みる際に課題に直面していた。その結果、臨床医はしばしば文書化を重複したり、2つのプラットフォームを使用したりしていました。アスレチックトレーナーは、管理者とコミュニケーションをとり、文書化のニーズに適合する EMR を選択し、EMR の使用方法を学ぶために、ネットワークアクセスや教育機会などのリソースを求めるべきである。
CONCLUSIONS: Many ATs wanted to incorporate EMRs in their clinical practice but faced challenges when attempting to do so. In turn, clinicians often duplicated documentation or used 2 platforms. Athletic trainers should communicate with administrators to select an EMR that fits their documentation needs and seek resources, such as network access and educational opportunities, to learn how to use EMRs.
© by the National Athletic Trainers' Association, Inc.