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BDJ Open.2020;6:9. 37. doi: 10.1038/s41405-020-0037-5.Epub 2020-07-22.


Comparison of hydroxyapatite and fluoride oral care gels for remineralization of initial caries: a pH-cycling study.

  • Bennett T Amaechi
  • Parveez Ahamed AbdulAzees
  • Linda O Okoye
  • Frederic Meyer
  • Joachim Enax
PMID: 32714565 PMCID: PMC7376056. DOI: 10.1038/s41405-020-0037-5.




Objective: The present in vitro study investigated if simulated daily use of hydroxyapatite-based gel (15% HAP) remineralizes early caries lesions as effective as weekly use of high fluoride (12,500 ppm) concentration gel, comparing them with artificial saliva alone.


ウシ歯20本から3本の歯ブロックを作製した.酸性ゲル中で4日間の脱灰処理を行い、各ブロックに齲蝕様病変を形成した。ブロックは、ハイドロキシアパタイト系ゲル(Karex gelée, 15% HAP, フッ化物フリー)、フッ化物系ゲル(Elmex gelée, 12,500ppm F)、人工唾液(AS)の3つの再石灰化グループ(20ブロック/グループ)に無作為に割り付けた。再石灰化は、pHサイクルモデルを用いて、AS中に28日間保存して実施した。pHサイクルモデルは、全群とも1日1回2時間の脱灰を行い、HAPゲルを1日1回3分塗布、フッ化物ゲルを1週間に1回3分塗布、またはASのみに留置するというものであった。ベースラインおよび試験後のミネラルロスはマイクロラジオグラフィーを用いて定量化した。

Materials and methods: Three tooth blocks were produced from each of 20 bovine teeth. Caries-like lesion was created on each block by 4-day demineralization in acidified gel. The blocks were randomized into three remineralization groups (20 blocks/group); Hydroxyapatite-based gel (Karex gelée, 15% HAP, fluoride-free), fluoride-based gel (Elmex gelée, 12,500 ppm F), and artificial saliva (AS). Remineralization was conducted using pH-cycling model for 28 days with storage in AS. The pH cycling model consisted of 2 h demineralization once daily for all groups, and 3 min HAP gel application once daily, 3 min fluoride gel application once weekly, or remain in AS only respectively. Baseline and post-test mineral loss were quantified using microradiography.


対のt-検定(ベースライン vs. テスト後)は、すべてのグループで有意な(<0.0001)再石灰化を示した。Games-Howellの多重比較検定を用いて互いに比較したところ、2つのゲル間に再石灰化の有意差は認められなかったが、両ゲルはAS単独(6±2%)よりも有意に(<0.001)高い割合のミネラルゲイン(HAP:39±7%、フッ化物:41±11%)を示した。

Results: Paired t-tests (baseline vs. post-Test) indicated significant ( < 0.0001) remineralization in all groups. When compared against each other using Games-Howell's multiple comparison test, no significant difference in remineralization was observed between the two gels, but both gels exhibited significantly ( < 0.001) higher percentage mineral gain (HAP:39 ± 7%; fluoride:41 ± 11%) than AS alone (6 ± 2%).


ヒドロキシアパタイト系ゲル(15%HAP)は、フッ化物系ゲル(12,500ppm F)と比較して、初期う蝕病変の再石灰化に有効であった。

Conclusion: Hydroxyapatite-based gel (15% HAP) was as effective as fluoride-based gel (12,500 ppm F) in remineralizing initial caries lesion.

© The Author(s) 2020.