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J Endod.2020 Nov;46(11):1738-1744.


Smear Layer Removal Using Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation and Different Concentrations of Sodium Hypochlorite.

PMID: 32721483




INTRODUCTION: The present study evaluated the effect of passive ultrasonic activation (PUI) of EDTA solution followed by conventional irrigation with 2 concentrations of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) on smear layer removal.


50本の単根下顎前臼歯を、ProTaper Universal (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) ニッケルチタン回転器具と1% NaOClを用いて化学機械的に調製した。歯根を劈開し、低真空下で走査型電子顕微鏡を用いて象牙質表面を分析した。画像は、各根管3分の1のあらかじめ区画された領域から得た。歯は再組立され、最終的な潅注プロトコールに従って5群に分けられた(n=10):第1群、EDTA/PUI+1%NaOCl;第2群、EDTA/PUI+5%NaOCl;第3群、EDTA/CI+1%NaOCl;第4群、EDTA/CI+5%NaOCl;および第5群(陰性対照)、生理食塩水/PUI。灌流後、歯を再分離し、先に分析した象牙質表面と同じ象牙質表面の通常の高真空走査型電子顕微鏡検査に備えた。デブリの量は4段階のスコアリングシステムを用いて分類した。データはKruskal-Wallis検定およびDunn検定を用いてα=0.05で分析した。

METHODS: Fifty single-root mandibular premolars were chemomechanically prepared with ProTaper Universal (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) nickel-titanium rotary instruments and 1% NaOCl. The roots were cleaved, and the dentin surfaces were analyzed with scanning electron microscopy operated at a low vacuum. Images were obtained from previously demarcated areas in each root canal third. The teeth were reassembled and distributed into 5 groups according to the final irrigation protocols (n = 10): group 1, EDTA/PUI + 1% NaOCl; group 2, EDTA/PUI + 5% NaOCl; group 3, EDTA/CI + 1% NaOCl; group 4, EDTA/CI + 5% NaOCl; and group 5 (negative control), saline solution/PUI. After irrigation, the teeth were reseparated and prepared for conventional high-vacuum scanning electron microscopy of the same dentin surface that was previously analyzed. The amount of debris was classified using a 4-point scoring system. Data were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests at α = 0.05.


PUIと異なる濃度のNaOClを使用した第1群と第2群に有意差はなかったが、第3群とは有意差があった(P < 0.05)。異なる根尖3分の1における管腔の清浄度に関しては、どのグループも根尖3分の1において最悪の清浄度を示した。

RESULTS: Groups 1 and 2, which used PUI and different concentrations of NaOCl, were not significantly different; however, they differed significantly from group 3 (P < .05). With respect to canal cleanliness at different root thirds, all groups showed the worst cleaning at the apical third.



CONCLUSIONS: PUI activation of the EDTA irrigant is required when canal debridement is performed with EDTA and a lower concentration of NaOCl.