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Eur J Dent.2020 Oct;14(4):626-633.


Debris and Smear Layer Removal from Oval Root Canals Comparing XP-Endo Finisher, EndoActivator, and Manual Irrigation: A SEM Evaluation.

PMID: 32777834




OBJECTIVE:  This study aimed to assess and compare XP-Endo Finisher (XP) cleaning efficiency with respect to the amount of remaining debris and smear layer versus Max-I-Probe needle (CI), EndoActivator device (EA), and combination of XP-Endo Finisher file with EndoActivator device (XP+EA) in oval root canals.


本研究は、36本の下顎小臼歯の単根・単管抜歯を対象に行った。根管の形状を評価し、除外基準を満たすかどうかを判断するため、頬舌側および中顎側投影でX線写真を撮影した。すべての歯は、Reciproc(R40)を用いて装飾と調製を行った。サンプルは無作為に4つのグループに分けられた:CI、EA、XP、XP + EA。根管には17% EDTAと2.5% NaOClをそれぞれ5mLずつ灌流した。歯を縦に分割し、根の最もよく見える部分を走査型電子顕微鏡(SEM)評価の代表サンプルとした。各半分は、解剖学的尖端から1 mmの以下の3つの部分に分割され、破片と塗抹層について500倍と1500倍の倍率で標準化された写真顕微鏡写真を得た。5段階のスコアリングシステムを用いて、冠状部、中間部、骨端部の結果を定量化した。統計解析はKruskal-Wallis検定およびMann-Whitney U検定を用いて行った。

MATERIALS AND METHODS:  This study was performed on 36 extracted single root/canal mandibular premolars. Radiographic images were taken in buccolingual and mesiodistal projections to evaluate the shape of the root canal and determine whether it met exclusion criteria. All teeth were decoronated and prepared using Reciproc (R40). The samples were divided randomly into four groups: CI, EA, XP, and XP + EA. The root canals were irrigated with 5 mL of 17% EDTA and 2.5% NaOCl, respectively. Apart from the CI group, both solutions were activated by using the tested techniques for 1 minute.The teeth were split longitudinally, and the best visible identified sections of the roots were used as the representing samples for scanning electron microscope (SEM) evaluation. Each half was divided into the following three parts: 1 mm from the anatomic apex and a standardized photomicrograph with 500x and 1500x magnifications for debris and smear layer were obtained. A five-grade scoring system was utilized to quantify the results at the coronal, middle, and apical regions. Statistical analysis was performed by using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests.


デブリおよび塗抹層のスコアの群間差は、冠状3分の1を除くすべての部位および総合評価において統計的に有意であった。デブリスとスメア層のグループ内比較では、CI、EA、XPでは中央3分の1が最小スコアであり、冠状3分の1および先端3分の1と比較して有意差はなかった。CIとEAは、XPとXP + EAと比較して、すべての部位でデブリとスミア層が少なかったが、中央と先端3分の1では有意差があった(< 0.05)。

RESULTS:  Group differences in debris and smear layer scores were found statistically significant for all locations as well as for overall assessment, except for the coronal third. Intragroup comparison of debris and smear layer in CI, EA, and XP had the minimum score at the middle third, with no significant difference compared with the coronal and apical thirds. XP + EA had less debris and smear layer score at the coronal third, significantly different from apical third.CI and EA had less debris and smear layer compared with XP and XP + EA at all locations with a significant difference at the middle and apical third ( < 0.05).


EAおよびCIは、XPおよびXP + EAと比較して、中央および先端3分の1においてデブリおよびスミア層が少なかった。XPと今回の潅注プロトコールを併用しても、ほとんどの根管先端部でデブリのない象牙質表面を得ることはできなかった。

CONCLUSION:  EA and CI showed less debris and smear layer than XP and XP + EA in the middle and apical third. The use of the XP in conjunction with the present irrigation protocol failed to have debris-free dentin surface in the apical portion of most of the root canals.