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Prog Orthod.2020 Aug;21(1):29.


Influence of heritability on occlusal traits: a systematic review of studies in twins.

PMID: 32864724




BACKGROUND: The aim of this systematic review was to identify, evaluate, and provide a current literature about the influence of heritability on the determination of occlusal traits.


MEDLINE、SCOPUS、Web of Science、LILACS、Google Scholarを2020年3月まで制限なく検索した。双生児法を用いた研究を対象とし、Q-Genie(Quality of genetic association studies checklist)を用いてバイアスのリスク評価を行った。咬合形質に対する遺伝的/環境的影響の推定には、遺伝率係数(h)、モデル適合アプローチ、係数相関を用いた。GRADEツールを用いてエビデンスの質を評価した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: MEDLINE, SCOPUS, Web of Science, LILACS, and Google Scholar were searched without restrictions up to March 2020. Studies with twin method were considered and the risk of bias assessment was performed using quality of genetic association studies checklist (Q-Genie). The coefficient of heritability (h), model-fitting approaches, and coefficient correlation were used to estimate the genetic/environmental influence on occlusal traits. The GRADE tool was used to assess the quality of the evidence.


10件の研究が適格基準を満たした。3つの研究は質が高く、5つの研究は質が中程度、2つの研究は質が低かった。ほとんどの研究で、アーチ内形質、主に上顎アーチの幅(h 16-100%)、長さ(h 42-100%)、形(h 42-90%)と、主に下顎アーチの叢生(h 35-81%)が遺伝性の影響を受ける可能性があることがわかった。オーバージェット、過蓋咬合、後方交叉咬合、矢状臼歯関係などのアーチ間関係に関する形質は遺伝的に決定されないようである。エビデンスの確実性は、すべての結果において低いと評価された。

RESULTS: Ten studies met the eligibility criteria. Three studies presented good quality, five moderate quality, and two poor quality. Most studies have found that the intra-arch traits, mainly the maxillary arch morphology, such as width (h 16-100%), length (h 42-100%), and shape (h 42-90%), and the crowding, mainly for mandibular arch (h 35-81%), are under potential heritability influence. The traits concerning the inter-arch relationship, as overjet, overbite, posterior crossbite, and sagittal molar relation, seem not to be genetically determined. The certainty of the evidence was graded as low for all outcomes.



CONCLUSIONS: Although weak, the available evidence show that the heritability factors are determinant for the intra-arch traits, namely, arch morphology and crowding. Possibly due they are functionally related, the occlusal traits concerning the maxillary and mandibular relationship seem to have environmental factors as determinants. In this scenario, early preventive approaches can offer a more effective and efficient orthodontic treatment.