The effects of different surface treatments on the shear bond strengths of two dual-cure resin cements to CAD/CAM restorative materials.
PMID: 32879708 PMCID: PMC7449818. DOI: 10.4047/jap.2020.12.4.189.
PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of surface treatments on the bond strengths between polymer-containing restorative materials and two dual-cure resin cements.
本研究では,Lava Ultimate(LU)およびVita Enamic(VE)ブロックから調製した長方形の試料を使用した。試料の表面は,コージェットサンドブラスト,50μmのAlOサンドブラスト,%9 HF(フッ化水素)酸,ER,Cr:YSGGレーザー処理,Z-Primeを用いて処理した。各試料の処理面にデュアルキュアレジンセメント(セラセムおよび3M RelyX U 200)を塗布した。剪断接着強さの評価には,マイクロ引張装置を用いた。統計解析は,SAS 9.4v3を用いて行った。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the present study, rectangular samples prepared from Lava Ultimate (LU) and Vita Enamic (VE) blocks were used. The specimen surfaces were treated using CoJet sandblasting, 50 µm AlO sandblasting, % 9 HF (hydrofluoric) acid, ER,Cr:YSGG laser treatment, and Z-Prime. Dual-cure resin cements (TheraCem and 3M RelyX U 200) were applied on each specimen's treated surface. A micro-tensile device was used to evaluate shear bond strength. Statistical analysis was performed using the SAS 9.4v3.
RESULTS: While the bond strength using TheraCem with LU or VE was not statistically significant (=.164), the bond strength using U200 with VE was statistically significant (=.006). In the TheraCem applied VE groups, Z-Prime and HF acid were statistically different from CoJet, Laser, and Sandblast groups. In comparison of TheraCem used LU group, there was a statistically significant difference between HF acid and other surface treatments.
CONCLUSION: The bonding performance between the restorative materials and cements were material type-dependent and surface treatment had a large effect on the bond strength. Within the limitations of the study, the use of both U200 and TheraCem may be suggested if Z-prime was applied to intaglio surfaces of VE. The cementation of LU using TheraCem is suitable after HF acid conditioning of the restoration surfaces.
© 2020 The Korean Academy of Prosthodontics.