Short versus standard implants associated with sinus floor elevation: An umbrella review of meta-analyses of multiple outcomes.
PMID: 32951871 DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2020.08.002.
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Bone loss in the edentulous posterior maxilla complicates dental implant placement. In spite of the evidence available, there is continued uncertainty about the benefit of short implants for different outcomes.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this review was to evaluate the existing evidence for short and standard implants in association with sinus floor elevation regarding implant survival, marginal bone loss, and complications by using an umbrella review of the evidence across meta-analysis of interventional studies.
Medline, Scopus, Cochrane Libraryを検索し、サイナスフロアエレベーションに関連したショートインプラントとスタンダードインプラントを比較したシステマティックレビューとメタアナリシスを確認した。データ抽出と方法論的品質(AMSTAR-2)は2人の著者が独立して評価した。有効性を評価するためにアウトカムを分類し、表にした。質的データはテーマ別合成法を用いて分析した。エビデンスの確実性はGRADE(Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation)の手法で評価した。
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Medline, Scopus, and Cochrane Library were searched to identify systematic reviews and meta-analyses comparing short implants and standard implants associated with sinus floor elevation. Data extraction and methodological quality (AMSTAR-2) was assessed by 2 authors independently. Outcomes were categorized and tabulated to assess effectiveness. Qualitative data were analyzed using thematic synthesis. The certainty of the evidence was evaluated with the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) approach.
2011件の研究の中から、適格性基準に従って7件のシステマティックレビュー(66件)が組み入れられた。インプラントの生存率には統計的に有意な差はなく(リスク比=1.08;P=0.79)、定性分析でも補綴結果に差は見られなかった。定量的解析では、標準的なインプラントの方が補綴物の合併症が少なかったが(リスク比=3.27;P<.01)、定性的解析では治療法の違いは見られなかった。ショートインプラントでは、辺縁骨量が減少し(0.98±0.12mm、平均差=-0.22、P<.01)、生物学的にも良好な結果が得られた(リスク比=0.16、P<.01)。患者の満足度は両群とも同程度であったが,費用と手術時間については短尺インプラントが有利であった。エビデンスの質は、"極めて低い"(レビューの57.1%)および "低い "と評価された。インプラントの生存率に関するエビデンスの確実性は高かったが、辺縁骨損失と合併症に関するエビデンスの確実性は中程度であった。
RESULTS: From 2011 studies, 7 systematic reviews (66 studies) were included as per the eligibility criteria. There was no statistically significant difference between groups for implant survival (risk ratio=1.08; P=.79), and the qualitative analysis did not show differences for prosthetic outcomes. Standard implants were associated with fewer prosthetic complications in the quantitative analysis (risk ratio=3.27; P<.01), but no difference was found between the treatments in the qualitative analysis. Short implants showed reduced marginal bone loss (0.98 ±0.12 mm; mean difference=-0.22; P<.01) and better biologic outcomes (risk ratio=0.16; P<.01). Patient satisfaction was similar for both groups, whereas costs and time for the procedure favored short implants. The quality of the evidence was graded as "critically low" (57.1% of the reviews) and "low." There was a high certainty of evidence for implant survival, whereas marginal bone loss and complications had moderate certainty.
CONCLUSIONS: Short implants had a better or equal performance compared with standard implants for all outcomes assessed. However, assumptions were based on reviews with low or critically low quality of the evidence, suggesting the development of high-quality systematic reviews in this field.
Copyright © 2020 Editorial Council for the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.