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Eur J Radiol.2020 Nov;132:109304.

腕神経叢の枝神経を評価するための造影後3D Inversion Recovery Magnetic Resonance Neurography

Post-Contrast 3D Inversion Recovery Magnetic Resonance Neurography for Evaluation of Branch Nerves of the Brachial Plexus.

PMID: 33035919



3.0テスラ腕神経叢3次元(3D)T2強調short tau inversion recovery fast spin echo(STIR-FSE)MRIシーケンスを、ガドリニウム静注造影前(造影前STIR)と造影後(造影後STIR)で比較すること。

PURPOSE: To compare 3.0 Tesla brachial plexus three-dimensional (3D) T2-weighted short tau inversion recovery fast spin echo (STIR-FSE) MRI sequences before (pre-contrast STIR) and after (post-contrast STIR) administration of gadolinium intravenous contrast.


18名の患者を対象とした。各患者は静脈内造影剤投与前と投与後に同じセッションで撮影された。3.0Teslaで、頸部下部と胸壁部に配置した2つの16チャンネルフレキシブルコイルを使用して3D STIR-FSEシーケンスを取得した。3人の筋骨格系放射線科医が、血管信号抑制の程度、腋窩神経、筋皮神経、肩甲上神経の可視化、神経評価における診断信頼度、病変の目立ちやすさを定性的に評価した。限界順序ロジスティック回帰モデルを用いて、シークエンス間の主観的評価を比較した。STIR前後の病変の目立ちやすさは、Wilcoxon符号順位検定を用いて比較した。観察者間および観察者内の一致は、Gwetの一致係数を用いて評価した。

METHOD: Eighteen patients were included. Each patient was imaged before and after intravenous contrast administration during the same session. 3D STIR-FSE sequences were obtained at 3.0 Tesla using two 16-channel flexible coils positioned over the lower neck and chest wall region. Three musculoskeletal radiologists qualitatively assessed degree of vascular signal suppression, visualization of the axillary, musculocutaneous, and suprascapular nerves, diagnostic confidence in nerve evaluation, and lesion conspicuity. Marginal ordinal logistic regression models were used to compare subjective ratings between sequences. Pre- and post-STIR lesion conspicuity was compared using Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Inter- and intra-observer agreements were assessed using Gwet's agreement coefficient.



RESULTS: Vascular signal suppression significantly improved following contrast administration (odds ratio, OR = 209.9, 95% confidence interval, CI: 21.0-2094.6, p < .001). The post-contrast STIR technique significantly improved nerve visualization (OR = 8.4, 95% CI: 3.6-19.9, p < .001) and diagnostic confidence in evaluation (OR = 13.2, 95% CI: 4.8-36.0, p < .001) across all nerve segments. Post-contrast STIR improved lesion conspicuity by 1 point, but statistical significance was not reached (Reader 1: p = 0.5, Reader 2: p = 0.063). Post-contrast STIR imaging demonstrated substantial to near-perfect inter- and intra-rater agreement coefficients for both nerve visualization (inter-rater: 0.74-1.0, intra-rater: 0.94-1.0) and diagnostic confidence (inter-rater: 0.79-1.0, intra-rater: 0.94-1.0). Quantitatively, post-contrast STIR demonstrated a 24% increase in mean C6 nerve-to-muscle signal intensity ratio (p = 0.017).



CONCLUSIONS: Post-contrast STIR improved nerve-to-muscle contrast ratio, allowing for enhanced visualization and diagnostic confidence in evaluation of branch nerves of the brachial plexus.