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J Prosthet Dent.2021 Nov;126(5):688-691.


Effects of sintering time and hydrothermal aging on the mechanical properties of monolithic zirconia ceramic systems.

PMID: 33039187




STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The flexural strength of zirconia restorations is partially dependent on the sintering process. Changes in sintering protocols as well as hydrothermal aging may affect the flexural strength of zirconia materials.



PURPOSE: The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate how changes in sintering parameters and hydrothermal aging affect the biaxial flexural strength of monolithic zirconia.


2種類の透光性モノリス型ジルコニア・セラミックス(ジルコンX ST、アップセラYZ HT)から試験片を作製した。着色後、両セラミックスの試験片をグループに分け、6種類の焼結プロトコルのいずれかに供した。半数の試験片は焼結後そのまま二軸曲げ強度試験に供し、残りの試験片は水熱時効処理後に二軸曲げ強度試験に供した。二軸曲げ強さのデータは統計ソフトウエアを用いて解析した。分布の正規性はShapiro-Wilk検定によって決定した。二軸曲げ強さのデータは、1-way ANOVAとTukey post hoc 検定を用いてグループ間で比較し、グループ内データは一対の標本t検定(α=.05)を用いて比較した。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Specimens were produced from 2 translucent monolithic zirconia ceramics (Zircon X ST, Upcera YZ HT). After coloring, specimens of both ceramics were distributed into groups and subjected to 1 of 6 different sintering protocols. Half were subjected to biaxial flexural strength tests directly after sintering, and the remaining specimens were subjected to hydrothermal aging and then to biaxial flexural strength testing. Biaxial flexural strength data were analyzed by using a statistical software program. Normality of distribution was determined by the Shapiro-Wilk test. Biaxial flexural strength data were compared among groups by using 1-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc tests, and intragroup data were compared by using paired specimens t tests (α=.05).



RESULTS: The highest overall biaxial flexural strength value was obtained in UW-II. The highest biaxial flexural strength for Zircon X was obtained in ZX-VI and ZX-HTA-VI, whereas the highest biaxial flexural strength for Upcera was obtained in UW-II before hydrothermal aging and in UW-HTA-V after aging (P<.05).



CONCLUSIONS: The biaxial flexural strength of Zircon X increased with longer sintering times. Upcera specimens were more fracture-resistant than Zircon X both before and after hydrothermal aging. Based on these findings, longer sintering times are recommended to increase the strength of monolithic zirconia.