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J Adhes Dent.2020;22(5):523-530.


Polymerization Shrinkage and Push-out Bond Strength of Different Composite Resins for Sealing the Screw-access Hole on Implant-supported Crowns.

PMID: 33073783




PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of composite resin polymerization shrinkage stress on the stress distribution in the implant-supported crown-access hole, and on the bond strength between the ceramic and composite resin.


アクセスホールにコンポジットレジン(従来型またはバルクフィル)を充填したセラミッククラウンの3Dモデルを用いて、有限要素解析を用いてアクセスホール内の応力分布を評価した。接触部は接着とみなし,重合収縮は各レジンの線熱膨張係数に基づいてシミュレートした.接着強度の応力データを検証するために,従来型樹脂またはバルクフィル樹脂を充填した二ケイ酸リチウム多孔質試料に対して押し出し試験(1 mm/min,100 kgf)を行った.接着強さのデータ解析には一元配置分散分析とTukeyの検定を用い、αは5%とした。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A 3D model of a ceramic crown, in which the access hole was filled with composite resin (conventional or bulk-fill), was used to evaluate the stress distribution in the access hole using finite element analysis. The contacts were considered bonded and the polymerization shrinkage was simulated based on the coefficient of linear thermal expansion of each resin. The push-out test (1 mm/min, 100 kgf) was performed on perforated lithium disilicate samples filled with conventional or bulk-fill resins to validate the stress data of the bond strength. One-way ANOVA and Tukey's test were used to analyze the bond strength data, with α set at 5%.



RESULTS: Conventional resin showed the worst stress distribution and highest displacement values, von Mises stress, maximum principal strain, maximum principal stress, and maximum shear stress vs the bulk-fill resin. Statistically significantly greater bond strength was observed for bulk-fill (13.40 ± 5.59 MPa) than the conventional resin (8.70 ± 3.02 MPa).



CONCLUSION: Comparing both materials tested in the present study, the use of bulk-fill composite resin to seal the screw-access hole is suggested to reduce the stress concentration and increase bond strength to the ceramic crown.