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Acta Odontol Scand.2021 May;79(4):268-274.


Efficacy of chitosan-based chewing gum on reducing salivary counts and salivary pH: a randomised clinical trial.

PMID: 33138680




OBJECTIVE: To determine chitosan-based chewing gum role on reducing salivary counts and salivary pH.


今回の二重盲検無作為化臨床試験(試験登録番号:IRCT20190724044319N1)は、36名の歯科学生を対象に実施した。参加者は無作為に2つのグループ(18名)に分けられました。G1:介入群(キトサン・チューインガム)とG2:対照群(プラセボ・チューインガム)に無作為に分けた。各被験者には8個のチューインガムが与えられ、それぞれのガムを5分間噛んでもらい、これを8回繰り返した。ガムを噛む前と後に唾液を採取し、コロニーの数と唾液のpHを測定しました。データは、SPSS(ver.21)と独立学生検定を用いて分析した。 0.05以下の値を有意とした。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present double-blind randomised clinical trial with the trial registration number of IRCT20190724044319N1 was conducted on 36 dental students. The volunteers were, randomly, divided into two groups ( = 18) including: G1: intervention group (chitosan chewing gum) and G2: control group (placebo chewing gum). Each participant was given eight pieces of the chewing gum, and was asked to chew each gum piece for 5 min and this was repeated for eight times. Their Saliva was collected before and after chewing gums and the number of colonies and salivary pH were determined. Data were analysed using SPSS (ver.21) and independent student test. Value less than .05 was set as significant.



RESULTS: There was significant difference between two groups for the number of salivary colonies ( in the intervention group compared to in the Control group) ( < .001). The salivary pH evaluation showed that salivary pH mean value in intervention group was not significant in compared with control group ( = .17). However, the chitosan chewing gum led to an increase in salivary pH by 0.17, which was statistically significant ( = .01).



CONCLUSION: Results of this study showed that chitosan chewing gum has a positive effect on the reduction of numbers of salivary colonies but had no considerable effect on the increase of salivary pH.