Effect of different adhesive strategies on the microtensile bond strength of dentin to indirect resin-based composite.
PMID: 33262873
BACKGROUND: To evaluate the microtensile bond strength of indirect resin composite bonded to dentin using five different adhesives strategies.
40本の試験片(Solidex)を作製し、接着戦略の異なる5つのグループ((G1)-シングルボンドユニバーサル+エッチング+シラン+RelyX Ultimate、(G2)-シングルボンドユニバーサル+シラン+RelyX Ultimate、(G3)-シングルボンドユニバーサル+エッチング+RelyX Ultimate、(G4)-シングルボンドユニバーサル+RelyX Ultimate、(G5)-スコッチボンドマルチパーパス+RelyX ARC)に無作為に分けた。セメント固化後、試験片は湿度100%、37℃で24時間保存した。試験片を接着界面に垂直に切断して梁を得、微小引張試験に供した。微小引張値はMPaで表し、一元配置分散分析および多重比較Tukey検定(α=0.05)により分析した。
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty specimens (Solidex) were produced and randomly into five groups with different adhesives strategies: (G1)- Single Bond Universal + etch + silane + RelyX Ultimate, (G2)- Single Bond Universal + silane + RelyX Ultimate, (G3)- Single Bond Universal + etch + RelyX Ultimate, (G4)- Single Bond Universal + RelyX Ultimate, and (G5)-Scotchbond Multi-purpose + RelyX ARC. After cementation the specimens were stored in 100% humidity for 24hours at 37°C. The specimens were sectioned perpendicular to the adhesive interface to obtain beams and submitted to microtensile test. Microtensile values were expressed in MPa and analyzed by one-way ANOVA and multiple comparison Tukey tests (α=0.05).
RESULTS: The mean bond strength in MPa groups were: G1=11,48, G2=14,15, G3=16,95, G4=17,03 and G5=16,80. Statistical analysis showed that the bond strength values were not significantly affected by the different adhesive strategies.
象牙質と間接レジン複合材料とのセメンテーションは,使用した接着戦略の違いによって有意な影響を受けることはない.シラン処理,エッチング処理,シングルボンドユニバーサル処理では,接着強さは増加しなかった.接着剤, 歯科用セメント, 象牙質.
CONCLUSIONS: Cementation of dentin to indirect resin composite cannot be significantly affected by different adhesive strategies used. The specimens treated with silane, etch associated with Single bond universal did not increase bond strength values. Adhesives, dental cements, dentin.