Factors influencing treatment efficiency.
PMID: 33289803 DOI: 10.2319/050220-379.1.
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this cohort study was to evaluate the effect of self-ligating brackets (SB) and other related factors that influence orthodontic treatment time.
本研究は、2群間の前向き研究である。個人医院から募集した連続して治療を受けた患者を登録し,SBと従来のブラケット(CB)のどちらかを選択するように求めた。患者が希望を持たない場合は、その患者を無作為に割り付けた。同一のアーチワイヤーシークエンスが使用され、すべての患者は1人の歯科矯正医によって治療された。治療期間、ブラケットの失敗回数、口腔衛生状態の悪さ、弾性摩耗の悪さ、矯正用ミニインプラント(OMI)の使用の有無、OMIの失敗、抜歯、American Board of Orthodontics Discrepancy Index、およびアーチ長の不一致を測定し、t検定、相関分析、共分散分析(ANCOVA)を用いて統計的に分析した。また、ステップワイズ回帰分析を行い、治療期間を予測する式を作成した。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a two-armed prospective study. Consecutively treated patients who were recruited from a private practice were enrolled and asked to choose between SB and conventional brackets (CB). If the patient did not have a preference, that patient was randomly allocated. An identical archwire sequence was used, and all patients were treated by a single orthodontist. Treatment duration, number of bracket failures, poor oral hygiene, poor elastic wear, whether or not to orthodontic mini-implants (OMI) were used, OMI failure, extraction, American Board of Orthodontics Discrepancy Index, and arch length discrepancy were measured and statistically analyzed using t-tests, correlation analysis, and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Stepwise regression analysis was conducted to generate an equation to predict treatment duration.
RESULTS: A total of 134 patients with an average age of 22.73 years were included. The average treatment duration was 28.63 months. ANCOVA showed no significant difference in treatment duration between CB and SB. Stepwise regression analysis could explain 64.6% of the variance in treatment duration using five variables.
CONCLUSIONS: SB did not exhibit a significant reduction in treatment time as compared with CB. Patient cooperation, extractions, and malocclusion severity had a significant impact on treatment duration.
© 2021 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc.