Evaluation of bleeding symptoms and laboratory parameters related to bleeding in sisters of patients with hemophilia A and B.
PMID: 33390328
INTRODUCTION: Our purpose was to determine the bleeding risk of obligate and potential carriers, highlight the prophylactic applications before interventions for families and physicians.
METHOD: Forty-six sisters who had at least one family member with hemophilia A or B were included. Laboratory parameters were tested.Bleeding tendency interrogated by a detailed questionnaire.The results were compared with 43 healthy female controls.
姉妹の平均因子活性値は、対照群に比べて有意に低かった(p=0,004)。出血スコアは姉妹の方が対照者よりも高かった(p=0.001)。軽傷後の出血の長期化は、姉妹が対照者よりも有意に高かった(p=0.008)。抜歯後の出血が長引くことによる治療の必要性は、姉妹で有意に高かった(p=0.001)。産後の出血が6週間以上続いたのは対照群に比べて姉妹の方が多かった(p=0.025)。姉妹の月経期間は対照群よりも長かった(p < 0.001)。因子活性値が60%以下の姉妹では、自然発症の鼻出血、口腔内出血、歯肉出血が多く見られた(それぞれp=0.014、p=0.047)。また,血友病患者の重症度と姉妹の因子活性度には,統計的に有意な差は認められませんでした(p=0.398)。自発的な鼻出血は,家族内の血友病の重症度と有意に関連することがわかりました(p=0.004)。
RESULTS: Mean factor activity levels were significantly lower in sisters than control subjects (p = 0,004). Bleeding score was higher in sisters than controls (p = 0.001). Prolonged bleeding after minor injury was significantly higher in the sisters than control subjects (p = 0.008). Requiring further treatment due to prolonged bleeding after tooth extraction was significantly higher in sisters (p = 0.001). Sisters had postpartum hemorrhage lasting longer than 6 weeks than controls (p = 0.025). Menstrual period lasted longer in the sisters than controls (p < 0.001). Spontaneous epistaxis, oral and gingival bleeding were more frequently observed in sisters whose factor activity levels were 60 % or below (p = 0.014 and p = 0.047, respectively). There was no statistically significant difference between the severity of hemophilia in the affected family member and the factor levels in the sisters (p = 0.398).Spontaneous epistaxis has found to be significantly associated with the hemophilia severity in the family (p = 0.004).
CONCLUSION: Clotting factor levels were found to be lower in the sisters and associated with spontaneous epistaxis, oral and gingival bleeding.Also, regardless of clotting factor levels, sisters significantly experienced more bleeding problems.Our study demonstrated the importance of taking precautions for prolonged bleeding in cases where medical interventions are inevitable in these patients.