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Clin Oral Investig.2021 Jul;25(7):4543-4552.


Influence of short-fiber composite base on fracture behavior of direct and indirect restorations.

PMID: 33417063




OBJECTIVES: The aim was to examine the influence of short-fiber composite (SFC) core on the fracture-behavior of different types of indirect posterior restorations. In addition, the effect of thickness ratio of SFC-core to the thickness of the veneering conventional composite (PFC) on fracture-behavior of bi-structured composite restorations was evaluated.


90本の無傷の大臼歯に口蓋咬頭を除去したMOD窩洞を作製した。様々な厚み(0、1、2、3、4mm)のSFCコア(everX Flow)と表面PFC層(G-aenial Anterior)を有する5群のダイレクトオーバーレイ修復物(n=10/群)を作製し、バイストラクチャー修復物の厚みは5mmとした。4群のCAD/CAM修復物(Cerasmart 270およびe-max CAD)を、2mmのSFCコア層付き、またはファイバー補強なしで作製した。無傷の歯(n = 10)を対照群とした。修復物は破折するまで静的荷重をかけた。破折パターンは目視で評価した。データはANOVAを用いて分析した(p = 0.05)。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: MOD cavities with removed palatal cusps were prepared on 90 intact molars. Five groups of direct overlay restorations (n = 10/group) were fabricated having a SFC-core (everX Flow) with various thicknesses (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 mm) and layer of surface PFC (G-aenial Anterior), remaining the thickness of the bi-structure restoration to be 5 mm. Four groups of CAD/CAM-made restorations (Cerasmart 270 and e-max CAD) were fabricated either with 2-mm layer of SFC-core or without fiber reinforcement. Intact teeth (n = 10) were used as control group. Restorations were statically loaded until fracture. Fracture patterns were evaluated visually. Data were analyzed using ANOVA (p = 0.05).


間接オーバーレイ修復物では、2mmのSFCコアで補強した修復物(バイストラクチャー)と、プレーンな修復材料で作製した修復物の間で、耐荷重性に統計的に有意な差は認められませんでした(p > 0.05)。ANOVAでは、4mm厚のSFCコアで作製したダイレクトオーバーレイ修復物は、試験した全グループの中で有意に高い耐荷重性(3050±574N)を示した(p<0.05)。

RESULTS: With indirect overlay restorations, no statistically significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed in the load-bearing capacities between restorations reinforced by 2-mm SFC-core (bi-structured) and those fabricated from plain restorative materials. ANOVA displayed that direct overlay restorations made from 4-mm layer thickness of SFC-core had significantly higher load-bearing capacities (3050 ± 574 N) (p < 0.05) among all the groups tested.



CONCLUSIONS: Restorations (direct/indirect) combining SFC-core and a surface layer of conventional material demonstrated encouraging achievement in reference to fracture behavior.



CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The use of flowable short-fiber composite as reinforcing base with large direct and indirect restorations may result in more repairable failure.