Supragingival Biofilm: Toothpaste and Toothbrushes.
PMID: 33427212 DOI: 10.1159/000510201.
The formation of a physiological biofilm cannot be avoided under normal circumstances. However, the consequences of a supragingivally located biofilm, such as caries, gingivitis and, as a further effect, periodontitis, are relatively easy to avoid. The simplest and most common method used worldwide for the elimination of biofilm is periodic mechanical removal using a toothbrush or similar tools, such as chewing sticks or woods. This method was already used in ancient Egypt, and is still being used today, albeit advanced and improved with the help of toothpastes. Here we give a summary of the most common toothbrushes, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, we provide an overview of the most common toothpastes, their ingredients, and functions. In addition, the ingredients will be critically evaluated and recommendations given for the use or non-use of certain ingredients for different target groups, such as children, healthy adults, or patients with special needs.
© 2021 S. Karger AG, Basel.