Effect of hypothyrodism's medication (T4) on implant osstointegration: A case series and literature search.
PMID: 33485178
INTRODUCTION: Hypothyroidism reduces the recruitment, maturation, and activity of bone cells, decreasing bone resorption and formation. Several investigations have reported that T4 replacement therapy is associated with a significant decrease in bone mineral density in various skeletal parts, while others have failed to corroborate these results. The present study describes both a literature review and our own experience with dental implants in patients with hypothyroidism undergoing T4 replacement therapy.
本研究には、文献レビューと症例シリーズの2つのパートが含まれる。文献レビューには、甲状腺機能低下症患者におけるオッセオインテグレーテッド・デンタルインプラントの成功率を記録した12の論文が含まれた。臨床症例は、リヤドのKing Saud University Dental Collegeから選んだ。患者の身元は研究責任者のみが知ることができた。臨床例の組み入れ基準は以下の通りである:T4治療による甲状腺機能低下症、年齢20~60歳、歯科インプラントの使用、埋入後6~12ヵ月の経過観察。除外基準は、甲状腺機能低下症、症候性甲状腺機能低下症、妊娠、現在の喫煙、ブラキシズム、外科的切除と放射線治療の併用による甲状腺機能低下症に付随する他の医学的状態であった。以下のパラメータが評価された:異なる時点における挿入トルク(IT)、頂骨高さ(CBH)、内側骨幅(MBW)、遠位骨幅(DBW)、プロービング深度、および感染の徴候。
CASE PRESENTATION: The study included two parts: a literature review and case series. The literature review included 12 articles documenting the success rate of osseointegrated dental implants in patients with hypothyroidism. The clinical cases were chosen from King Saud University Dental College, Riyadh. The patients' identity was only available to the main researcher. The inclusion criteria for the clinical cases were: T4-treated hypothyroidism, age 20-60 years, and use of dental implants with a follow-up period of 6-12 months after loading. The exclusion criteria were: any other medical condition alongside hypothyroidism, syndromic hypothyroidism, pregnancy, current smoking, bruxism, and hypothyroidism caused by surgical excision combined with radiotherapy. The following parameters were assessed: insertion torque (IT), crestal bone height (CBH), mesial bone width (MBW), and distal bone width (DBW) at different time points, probing depth, and signs of infection.
DISCUSSION: Seventeen dental implants placed in patients with T4-treated hypothyroidism showed median IT success (42.4 N⋅cm; range: 35-45 N⋅cm). The median crestal bone loss was measured at 6-12 months after loading was 0.6 mm (range: 0.5-0.7. mm). Conversely, the median bone loss differences in MBW and DBW at 6-12 months after loading were 0.3 mm and 0.2 mm, respectively.
CONCLUSION: After a 1-year follow-up, patients with T4-treated hypothyroidism who had received dental implants fulfilled the criteria for successful implants.