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Folia Med Cracov.2020 Nov;60(3):99-112.


Awareness of oral health prophylaxis in pregnant women.

PMID: 33582749


I n t r o d u c t i o n の略です:妊娠中は、ホルモンレベルの変動や食習慣・衛生状態の変化により、口腔内に変化が生じます。O b j e c t i v e s :妊婦の口腔保健予防に対する意識を評価すること。材料と方法Malopolskie Voivodeship の 341 名の妊婦に無記名アンケートを実施した。統計解析はRプログラム(v.3.4.3)で行い、p値<0.05を有意とみなした。R e s u l t s :半数以上の回答者が口腔衛生指導を受けておらず、予防的なプログラムにも参加していなかった。口腔衛生に関する知識の主な入手先は、インターネット(66.3%)、歯科医(43.1%)、婦人科医(17.9%)であった。回答者は、医療従事者のアドバイスに進んで従った。調査対象女性の約32%が、歯科治療に最も適した時期(第2期)を認識していた。半数以上の女性が、より多くの処置が償還されるなら、より頻繁に歯科治療を受けると認めている。約71%の女性が、妊娠中にむし歯になりやすくなることを認識していた。両親のむし歯の有無と子どものむし歯の有無の関係は、42.1%の回答者が知っていたが、45%が子どもの歯の正しいケア方法を知らないことを認めている。C o n c l u s i o n s の略:教育レベルの高い女性ほど、口腔衛生の分野でより良い知識を持っていた。しかし、ほとんどの回答者がこの分野での知識を増やす必要がある。予防プログラムを広く普及させ、医療従事者は日常診療の中で必要な情報を伝えるべきである。

I n t r o d u c t i o n: During pregnancy, changes in the oral cavity occur due to fluctuations in hormone levels and changes in eating habits and hygiene. O b j e c t i v e s: To evaluate pregnant women's awareness of oral health prophylaxis. Material and Methods: An anonymous questionnaire was completed by 341 pregnant women from Malopolskie Voivodeship. The statistical analysis was carried out in the R program (v. 3.4.3); a p-value <0.05 was considered significant. R e s u l t s: Over half of the respondents did not receive oral hygiene instruction and did not take part in any prophylactic program. The main sources of oral health knowledge were the internet (66.3%), dentist (43.1%) and gynaecologist (17.9%). Respondents willingly followed the advice of healthcare workers. Approximately 32% of the surveyed women were aware of the most appropriate period for dental treatment (second trimester). Over half of the women admitted that they would receive dental care more often if more procedures were reimbursed. Approximately 71% of the women were aware of the increased susceptibility to tooth decay during pregnancy. The relationship between the presence of caries in parents and that in children was known by 42.1% of respondents, but 45% admitted they did not know how to take care of their child's teeth properly. C o n c l u s i o n s: Women with a higher education level had better knowledge in the area of oral health. However, most of the respondents need to increase their knowledge in this area. Prophylactic programs should be broadly propagated, and healthcare workers should deliver essential information in daily practice.