市販および実験用のタンパク質分解酵素ベースのホワイトニング歯磨剤のエナメル質の白色化および表面の粗さに対するin vitroの有効性
In vitro efficacy of commercial and experimental proteolytic enzyme-based whitening dentifrices on enamel whitening and superficial roughness.
PMID: 33615676 DOI: 10.1111/jerd.12690.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the whiteness index (W ) and surface roughness (Ra) of bovine enamel after simulated tooth brushing with different commercial and experimental whitening dentifrices.
円筒形エナメル質のウシの標本を酸エッチングして染色し,9群(n = 8)に分けた。Colgate® Optic White®, Crest® Baking Soda and Peroxide, Arm and Hammer® Advanced White™ Extreme Whitening, Rembrandt® Deeply White®.過酸化物、Close up® White Attraction Natural Glow、Hinode Prowhite、およびパパイン(PP)、ブロメライン(PB)、またはパパインとブロメライン(PPB)を含む実験用歯磨剤。RaとWは,初期および600,1200,3600回の歯磨きシミュレーション後に得られた。データの解析には,二元配置分散分析法を用いた(α = 0.05).
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cylindrical enamel bovine specimens were acid etched, stained, and divided in nine groups (n = 8): Colgate® Optic White®, Crest® Baking Soda and Peroxide, Arm and Hammer® Advanced White™ Extreme Whitening, Rembrandt® Deeply White® + Peroxide, Close up® White Attraction Natural Glow, Hinode Prowhite, and experimental dentifrice containing papain (PP), bromelain (PB), or papain and bromelain (PPB). Ra and W were obtained initially and after 600, 1200, and 3,600 cycles of simulated tooth brushing. Data were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance test (α = 0.05).
Raは,歯磨剤(p = 0.043)と歯磨きシミュレーション期間(p < 0.001)の両方に有意な影響を受けた.PPとPPBを除くすべてのグループで,歯磨きシミュレーション後にRaが統計的に有意に増加した.染色とブラッシングの後では,どの材料も初期のWを増加させなかった.
RESULTS: Ra was significantly influenced by both dentifrice (p = 0.043) and period of tooth-brushing simulation (p < 0.001). Except for PP and PPB, all groups showed a statistically significant increase in Ra after simulated tooth brushing. After staining and brushing, none of the materials tested increased the initial W .
CONCLUSIONS: The effect of commercial whitening dentifrices may be related to their high abrasiveness. Experimental formulations tested provided a similar effect without undesired wear of enamel. Whitening dentifrices only act through an abrasive effect rather than bleaching the tooth structures. When used, special care must be taken for avoid undesired wear of enamel. Experimental dentifrices provided similar removal of extrinsic stains without undesired abrasiveness; however, this effect may be due to the use of less aggressive abrasives in their formulations.
© 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC.