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Dent Mater.2021 Aug;37(8):1273-1282.


A prospective, multi-center, practice-based cohort study on all-ceramic crowns.

PMID: 33972099




OBJECTIVES: The aim of this prospective, multi-center, practice-based cohort study was to analyze factors associated with the success of all-ceramic crowns.


診療所ベースの研究ネットワーク([Ceramic Success Analysis, AG Keramik])で埋入されたオールセラミッククラウンを分析した。101人の歯科医師がオールセラミッククラウンを装着し、5年以上経過観察された1254人の患者(ほとんどがインオフィスCAD/CAM)のデータを評価した。最後の追跡調査時に、クラウンが十分であれば成功(失敗ではない)とみなし、クラウンがまだ機能していれば生存(失われていない)とみなした。多段階Cox比例ハザードモデルを用いて、さまざまな予測因子と成功または生存期間との関連を評価した。

METHODS: All-ceramic crowns placed in a practice-based research network ([Ceramic Success Analysis, AG Keramik) were analyzed. Data from 1254 patients with (mostly in-office CAD/CAM) all-ceramic crowns placed by 101 dentists being followed up for more than 5 years were evaluated. At the last follow-up visit crowns were considered as successful (not failed) if they were sufficient, whereas crowns were considered as survived (not lost) if they were still in function. Multi-level Cox proportional hazards models were used to evaluate the association between a range of predictors and time of success or survival.


平均追跡期間(SD)7.2(2)年[最大:15年]内に776本のクラウンが成功(年間失敗率[AFR]:8.4%)し、1041本のクラウンが生存(AFR:4.9%)したと考えられた。歯内療法で治療した歯にポストがある場合、ポストのない修復物に比べて失敗のリスクは2.7倍低かった(95%CI:1.4-5.0;p = 0.002)。修復材料と接着テクニックに関しては、ハイブリッドコンポジットセラミックとシングルステップ接着剤は、長石質ポーセレンとマルチステップ接着剤に比べて、それぞれ3.4倍と2.2倍高い失敗率を示した(p < 0.001)。酸素遮断ゲルおよびEVAインスツルメントの使用は、非使用に比べ1.5~1.8倍高い破損率を示した(p≦0.001)。

RESULTS: Within a mean follow-up period (SD) of 7.2(2)years [maximum:15years] 776 crowns were considered successful (annual failure rate[AFR]:8.4%) and 1041 crowns survived (AFR:4.9%). The presence of a post in endodontically treated teeth resulted in a risk for failure 2.7 times lower than that of restorations without a post (95%CI:1.4-5.0;p = 0.002). Regarding the restorative material and adhesive technique, hybrid composite ceramics and single-step adhesives showed a 3.4 and 2.2 times higher failure rate than feldspathic porcelain and multi-step adhesives, respectively (p < 0.001). Use of an oxygen-blocking gel as well as an EVA instrument resulted in a 1.5-1.8 times higher failure rate than their non-use (p ≤ 0.001).



SIGNIFICANCE: After up to 15years AFR were rather high for all-ceramic crowns. Operative factors, but no patient- or tooth-level factors were significantly associated with failure. The study was registered in the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS-ID: DRKS00020271).